Living Well with Chronic Conditions series, at NxNE Health Center

The North by Northeast Community Health Center partnering with Multnomah County Aging & Disability Services to host a 6-week Living Well with Chronic Conditions Workshop:


The 6-week evidence-based program developed by Stanford University is for adults living with one or more chronic conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, HIV/AIDS, high blood pressure, depression, heart disease or chronic pain. The Workshop helps participants take charge of their lives by finding practical ways to deal with pain and fatigue, discovering better nutrition and exercise choices, understanding new treatment choices, and learning better ways to talk with their doctor and family about their health. People who participate in the workshop feel better, are less limited by their illness and may spend less time at the doctor or in the hospital!

The workshop begins on April 2 and will be held for six weeks, every Tuesday from 9:30 am – noon (except on March 24, when the session will be held from noon – 2:30 pm). To register, or if you have questions, call Sharetta Butcher at (503) 287-4932.

North by Northeast Community Health Center|3030 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.|Portland Oregon 97212|503-287-4932|

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