I-5 Columbia River Crossing Wants Your Thoughts on Tolling and Traffic

CRCThe CRC is a long-term, comprehensive transportation project that will replace the aging Interstate 5 bridge, extend light rail to Clark College in Vancouver, improve seven highway interchanges and include a better pathway for bikes and pedestrians. The project will be funded by federal and state governments, as well as from tolls.

Tolling will also help manage traffic congestion by improving travel speed and reliability for drivers. Tolls will be collected electronically to avoid the need for toll booths and to keep traffic moving.

The project’s Tolling Study Committee wants to hear from you. How should we use tolling to help fund the project in a way that is best for taxpayers, users of the bridge, and nearby communities? Your input will be provided to the Oregon and Washington legislatures in January 2010.

Learn more at http://tolling.columbiarivercrossing.org and share your feedback in the following ways:


Take a five-minute Web survey at http://survey.columbiarivercrossing.org.

Tolling Study Committee

The Tolling Study Committee includes the chairs of the Oregon and Washington transportation commissions and the directors of each state’s department of transportation. The public is invited to the committee’s October meeting to learn early results of the online survey and provide comments. Meeting details will be posted online once they are available: http://tolling.columbiarivercrossing.org.