Due to some issues getting access to the KNA blog restored, we will not be meeting on our normal first Tuesday of the month in December, but will be meeting instead on Wednesday, December 13th. Also the January meeting will be pushed off for one week in January, to January 9th, due to proximity to the New Years Day holiday.
Please join us for the December meeting of the King Neighborhood Association. Find out what’s going on in King Neighborhood, meet your neighbors, talk about current issues, and find out about volunteer opportunities. — This will be a virtual-only meeting. We will not be meeting at the NECN offices in December. There were some access issues for the November meeting; so agenda items from November will be pushed to December 13th.
Time: December 13th, 2023 6:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time (US and Canada)
Where: Online Virtual Meeting
Virtual via Google Meet: meet.google.com/dzt-jhcj-uog
Planned Agenda Items:
- Featured Speaker: Daisy Pesak of Boys & Girls Aid will be speaking about their efforts to improve the foster care experience for youth and families in Oregon, along with the need for new foster parents
- KNA will report on the recent town hall with Commissioner Mingus Mapps
- Need for volunteers with the KNA and suggestions for future upcoming projects
- Open Forum for neighbors to bring concerns and ideas forward