NECN forum on healthy communities: April 3rd!

Components of a Healthy Community: Education, health care, food, transportation, capital, jobs and housing

Connect with North and Northeast Portland’s leading community practitioners for dynamic presentations and discussions on these
topics. Join two focus areas to both learn and share your knowledge as we begin a community asset mapping project. Create your own new
connections as we discuss the components of a healthy community!

When: Tuesday, April 3rd, 7pm to 9pm
Doors open at 6pm for networking and snacks – program begins promptly
at 7. Show up early!

Where: OAME, 4134 North Vancouver Ave.
Who: The Community Economic Development Council of the Northeast
Coalition of Neighborhoods

Featured speakers and discussion facilitators will include:
• Nita Shah, Micro Enterprise Services of Oregon
• Owen Ronchelli, Lloyd Transportation Management Association
• Scott Sheldon, Alberta Co-op Grocery
• Alejandro Queral, NW Health Foundation