Your King Neighborhood Association

Hello and welcome to YOUR King Neighborhood Association. I’m Margaret O’Hartigan, your chair for the next 2 years.

With the election of an almost wholly new board of directors, there are some changes in store for KNA.

To begin with, we’re now posting on this website all land use notices within King neighborhood boundaries (go to “What We Do” at the top of this page and click on “Land Use Notices”).  These include demolition notices, liquor license applications, Air bnb applications, and more. We’re doing this so you – our neighbors and members — have easy access to the latest developments in King. We welcome hearing your concerns and ideas about these developments – for ‘em or agin ‘em – so please contact me at

KNA has appointed co-chair Jennifer Jardee-Borquist as KNA’s representative to the Northeast Coalition of Neighborhood’s  Board of Directors! This means KNA now has a voice at NECN — for the first time in 3 years! Jennifer last served on the KNA and NECN boards 10 years ago, and we’re pleased to have her back! Having an NECN rep gives King Neighborhood a bigger voice with regards to what happens in north/northeast Portland and in the city in general — and having Jennifer as our representative gives us an experienced voice!

We continue to meet every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6:30 to 8 p.m. at 4815 NE 7th in the NECN office – the next meeting is July 11! In addition, we’ve scheduled special board meetings around King neighborhood. Our next special meeting is July 18 at Vanport Square Studio (5229 NE MLK Blvd., Suite #102) from 6:30-8 p.m. We’ll be looking at ways to better serve our residents and members. We’d love to have your input, ideas and yes, criticism.

Would you like the opportunity to meet the candidates currently running for Portland City Council? Let’s see what we can arrange… Concerned about policing issues, safety and other “liveability” issues? Attend our July meetings or send me an e-mail – or do both!

This is YOUR King Neighborhood Association.

KNA Board Meeting June 13, 2018

KNA Board of Directors is holding a regular Board meeting on Wednesday, June 13, 2018, from 6:30-8 p.m. at the NECN office, 4815 NE 7th Ave., Portland.

OLD BUSINESS: NECN rep, Land Use page up-dates, Observer ad, amended budget, fiscal sponsorship agreement; financial report from Treasurer, GreenKing report.

New business: Vanport Sq. Studio refund(?), neighbor concerns about tent camping in alleyway, Mallory Meadow; Rep to NECN’s Land Use & Transportation Committee.

Visioning: Community outreach strategies, whither KNA?

Announcements, public comments.

All are welcome.

KNA Special Meeting — Board of Directors

Thursday, May 31 at the ALBERTA ABBEY ANNEX (126 NE Alberta St.) 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Welcome to special KNA board meeting/thank you to Abbey for hosting KNA (1 minute)
Introduction of board members (2 minutes)
Financial (20 minutes)
    Current balance/expenses/income for past year
    Proposed budget
Publicizing KNA meetings/events (10 minutes)
Appointment of KNA rep to NECN (10 minutes)
Committee appointments (25 minutes)
    Liaisoning committee to neighboring neighborhood associations
    Land use committee
    Bylaw review committee
    Grievance committee
    Finance committee
Publicizing availability of annual Parks & Recreation permit (6 minutes)
Fiscal sponsorship relationship between KNA and NECN (up for renewal July 1) (15 minutes)

King Neighborhood Board Elections 2018!

King Neighborhood Association will be having the Annual Elections at the General Membership Meeting on May 9thth at 6:30 pm at the NECN Headquarters Office (4815 NE 7th Avenue)

Board service is a chance to grow personally and professionally, to develop skills, gain unique experience and make lasting connections with a team of other passionate neighbors.

The Call for Nominations is now open and we are seeking candidates for the following open positions:




At-Large Representatives One

At-Large Representatives Three

At-Large Representatives Five

If you have interest, please read the job description and fill this voluntary application:

KNA Board Member Job Description

KNA Board Member Application Form

KNA General Meeting, Wednesday 5/9

Join us Wednesday 5/9 for a KNA general meeting. We have a lot going on! We’ll be voting on changes to our bylaws, including changing our western neighborhood boundary (which would NOT impact Portland Public Schools’ boundaries in any way). We’ll also be holding elections for new board members. Come join our board! NOTE: Attending a meeting is not necessary to communicate with us – you can reach us at, and we’ll respond to you quickly.

Agenda (“time permitting items in italics”):

      1. Intros & check-ins (5-10 min)
      2. Approving previous minutes (10 min)
      3. Bylaws and boundary change vote (10 min)
      4. Board elections (30 min)
      5. Mural presentation (10 min)
      6. Finances report (10 min)
      7. Member open floor (10 min)
      8. Wrap-up, feedback, announcements (5-10 min)

Join us at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, at the NECN office . . . or email us to find out how you can participate in other ways!