Woodlawn-King Alleys Sewer Repair Project Update

Construction Begins Soon


  • Week of April 17 – crews will begin in the Williams/Cleveland alley between Highland and Holman
  • Week of April 24 – crews will begin in the Williams/Cleveland alley between Ainsworth and Jarrett
  • In three or more weeks – crews will begin in the Williams/Cleveland alley between Jarrett and Killingsworth


Work will progress in the following way:

  • The city contractor will bring materials and machinery to the work zone and store them in a centralized staging area in the right-of-way.
  • Tree trimming will be performed as needed to make room for large equipment, reduce the possibility of damage to trees, and help ensure public safety.
  • Video inspection crews will flush sewer with water to clear debris and then insert a video camera to document pipe and branch connection conditions.
  • Perform spot repairs to the main line sewer pipe. This involves excavating small trench sections to access the pipe.
  • Replace lateral connections between the main line sewer pipe and individual properties.
  • Install cleanouts with a vactor truck to clear a small diameter hole that allows crews to cut into the service lateral, connect a standing pipe to the surface, and add a cap at ground level. Cleanouts provide access for maintenance and repair of lateral connections.


To see a map of the project work areas, visit the project web page atwww.portlandoregon.gov/bes/wokialleys


Residents and businesses should expect periods of inactivity between each phase ranging from a few days to a few weeks. The duration depends on a variety of variables including underground conditions, weather, traffic impacts, subcontractor schedules, quality control tests and availability of materials. To learn more about What to Expect During Construction go to www.portlandoregon.gov/bes/article/632833.



Construction will move from one site to another as work phases are completed, with periods of inactivity between phases. Please be aware that schedules are subject to change due to a variety of factors, including conditions underground, weather, traffic impacts and subcontractor and materials availability.


The city will use a combination of open trench construction and Cured-in-Place-Pipe-lining (CIPP). Details about each construction method are available at www.portlandoregon.gov/bes/methods.


Construction hours are from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday throughFriday, but the contractor may schedule work during the same hours on Saturdays. The Portland Noise Office approved night work for two locations within the project boundaries. Homes and businesses near these locations will receive a separate notification before night work takes place.



Visit the project web page at www.portlandoregon.gov/bes/wokialleys

or contact Rhetta Drennan.


Community Outreach

City of Portland Environmental Services
1120 SW 5th Avenue, Rm. 1000, Portland, OR 97204-1912
Phone: 503-823-6006
Email: Rhetta.Drennan@portlandoregon.gov
Web page: www.portlandoregon.gov/bes

KNA’s monthly meeting: Wednesday, April 12th, at 6:30 pm.

Join us next Wednesday for our monthly board meeting! We’re knee-deep in planning 2017’s events and programs, and we’d love your help! If you have ideas about what you’d like to see the neighborhood association dive into, please let us know. Attending a meeting is not necessary to communicate with us – you can reach us at info@kingneighborhood.org.

Our monthly KNA meeting agenda next week:

6:30 pm – Introductions, agenda, previous meeting minutes

6:40 – KNA logo & branding conversation.

7:05 – Board chair’s report, including appointing folks to a by-laws revision working group, and board elections in May.

7:15 — Planning for upcoming events: Oregon Humanities Conversations, Egg Hunt, Movie in the Park, King Spring clean-up, park picnics.

7:55 — Land use committee update.

8:00 — King NA communications.

8:15  — We adjourn!

Join us at 6:30 pm, Wednesday April 12th, at the offices of NECN, 4815 NE 7th Avenue, in the King Facility Building attached to King School… or email us to find out how you can participate!

Portland City Budget Events

The City of Portland invites you to the following public meetings about the annual budget. The purpose of these meetings is for the Mayor and City Council to receive testimony from Portland residents regarding the citywide budget for the upcoming fiscal year.

Community Budget Forum
Tuesday, April 11, 2017 – 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Immigrant & Refugee Community Organization (IRCO)
10301 NE Glisan St, Portland, Oregon 97220

Community Budget Forum
Tuesday, April 18, 2017 – 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Mt. Scott Community Center, Auditorium
5530 SE 72nd Ave, Portland, Oregon 97206

Budget Committee Public Hearing
Thursday, May 11, 2017 – 6:00pm – 8:30pm

City Hall, Council Chambers
1221 SW 4th Ave, Portland, Oregon 97204


Testimony tickets will be available an hour and a half prior to start time. They will be drawn at random throughout the course of the event. Each speaker will have two minutes to address the council.

Please see these links for details about the budget process and for other ways to make your voice heard:

FY 2017-18 Budget Documents

Get Involved in the City’s Budget Process

Budget Testimony Tips

Woodlawn-King Alleys Sewer Repair Project Update, April 3rd: Construction Activity Begins Next Week

Environmental Services expects to begin construction next week on a project to repair or replace over 15,000 feet (almost 3 miles) of public sewer pipes in your neighborhood that are on average 85 years old and in deteriorating condition. The project will also repair or add more than 2,000 feet of service laterals that connect houses and businesses from the curb to the public sewer in the street. This project will protect the public and the environment by reducing the possibility of sewage releases to homes, businesses and streets.


A project map is available on the webpage atwww.portlandoregon.gov/bes/woki.


The city will use a combination of open trench construction and Cured-in-Place-Pipe-lining (CIPP). Details about each construction method are available at www.portlandoregon.gov/bes/methods.


Beginning next week, crews will start replacing small sections of deteriorating sewer pipe to prepare for larger cured-in-place pipe lining (CIPP). Over the next few weeks work will include:

  • Spot repairs on N Williams Avenue / NE Cleveland Avenue Alley between NE Highland and NE Holman streets.
  • A spot repair on N Williams Avenue / NE Cleveland Avenue Alley between NE Ainsworth and NE Jarrett streets.
  • A spot repair on N Williams Avenue / NE Cleveland Avenue Alley between NE Jarrett and NE Jessup streets.
  • A spot repair on N Williams Avenue / NE Cleveland Avenue Alley between NE Jessup and NE Killingsworth streets.
  • Service branch connections located adjacent to each spot repair will also be replaced.

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Neighbors Building Community

Help chart the course for your neighborhood!

King Neighborhood Association seeks
diverse, talented and committed
people to join its board of directors!

Come to the annual KNA membership meeting on Wednesday, May 10 and help fill vacancies on our board of directors, committees or just find out about volunteer opportunities that interests you.

Your skills, experience and ideas
are just what we need
if King Neighborhood is to become an
even better place to live, work and recreate!


Wednesday, May 10 at 6:30 pm ,in NECN office, 4815 NE 7th Avenue


King Neighborhood Association meetings are on the second Wednesday of every month at 6:30 pm.


Click here for the KNA Board Member Job Description

Click here for KNA – Board Application Form