King NA board meeting: next Wednesday, March 8th.

Join us next Wednesday for our monthly board meeting! We’re knee-deep in planning 2017’s events and programs, and we’d love your help! If you have ideas about what you’d like to see the neighborhood association dive into, please let us know! Attending a meeting is not necessary to communicate with us – you can reach us at 

KNA Communications Committee: 6pm to 6:25 pm

Our monthly KNA meeting agenda next week:

6:30 pm – Introductions, agenda, previous meeting minutes

6:45 – Appointing a board secretary.

6:50 – Green King project update.

7:00 – Board chair’s report.

7:05 — Planning for upcoming events: Oregon Humanities Conversations, Egg Hunt, Movie in the Park, King Spring clean-up.

7:20 — Land use committee update.

7:25 — King NA communications plan.

7:40 — We adjourn!

Join us at 6:30 pm, Wednesday March 8th, at the offices of NECN, 4815 NE 7th Avenue, in the King Facility Building attached to King School… or email us to find out how you can participate!

King NA board meeting, Wednesday, February 8th.

Join us next Wednesday for our monthly board meeting! We’re a bit behind on planning for 2017 ~ it snowed on the dates of our last two meetings ~ and we’d love your help organizing our events and programs for the coming year.

Our meeting agenda:

6:30 pm – Introductions, agenda, previous meeting minutes

6:45 – Siobhan O’Kelly, on the Woodlawn-King King Sewer Repair Project

7:00 – Garner Moody, developer, on proposed 8-unit project at NE Garfield & Failing

7:20 – board business begins

  • 10 minutes: chair’s report
  • 10 minutes: finance
  • 10 minutes: Green King
  • 15 minutes: 2017 events – neighborhood clean-up; movie in the park; Oregon Humanities Conversations
  • 10 minutes: land use/transportation committee
  • 5 minutes: other board business.

8:20 – We adjourn.

Join us at 6:30 pm, Wednesday February 8th, at the offices of NECN, 4815 NE 7th Avenue, in the King Facility Building attached to King School.

Bike Parking in Apartments & Transportation System Plan Surveys

  1. Tell us your transportation priorities! 

We at the Portland Bureau of Transportation are updating our Transportation System Development Charge (TSDC) program. Projects on the TSDC list are oriented toward accommodating development growth and improving travel for all modes: walking, biking, driving and transit. The current list was last updated in 2007. Some of the projects on that list are now complete, some have received funding from other sources, and some of them may no longer fit the city’s transportation priorities. Every few years, the City engages in an extensive public input process to reaffirm and amend the list of projects to guide spending of TSDC revenues. As part of this process, the project team is also revisiting the criteria that determine whether projects are eligible for TSDC funding.


PROVIDE YOUR INPUT TODAY! Visit the Online Open House to view the proposed Project List and provide input


Tell us what you think by February 26th, 2017 and invite your friends and neighbors  to weigh in!



  1. Tell Us About Your Apartment Bicycle Parking

The City of Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) wants to know about bicycle parking at your apartment or condominium building.

Currently, PBOT is reviewing the Bicycle Parking code requirements to ensure the provision of adequate, comfortable, accessible and secure bicycle parking for new buildings redevelopment throughout Portland.  As part of this process, we are looking for additional input about bicycle parking and rack usability at apartment buildings. Please respond by February 5th, 2017.

This survey will be used by PBOT and the Bicycle Parking Stakeholder Advisory Committee during the code update process.

Your feedback is very important to use and we appreciate you taking a few minutes to complete this Apartment Bicycle Parking Survey.

Thank you!