Upcoming opportunities to testify before City Council on land use & planning issues

Recommended City-wide Zoning Map and other Comprehensive Plan Early Implementation projects:

The City of Portland is completing the update to its Comprehensive Plan, a long-range 20-year plan that sets the framework for the physical development of the city. including the Composite Zoning Map. The Recommended Draft of the Zoning Map and Zoning Code are available on the BPS website, along with reports for the Early Implementation Projects that brought these changes forward including Mixed Use, Employment, and Campus Institutional as well as the Transportation Systems Plan update (TSP).  Public hearings on the Recommended Draft of the Early Implementation projects (Mixed Use, Employment, and Campus Institutional, and Community Involvement)were held before City Council on October 6 and 13.Since then, City Council has held public work sessions to discuss proposed zoning map and code changes. Council members will introduce amendments (both map and code-related) based on public testimony. These will be published prior to the hearing, and I will send a link to the amendments document when it is available.

  • Public hearing on the proposed amendments: November 17 at 2:00 pm.
  • City Council vote on Comprehensive Plan Implementation: December 14 and 21 at 2:00 pm.


Inclusionary Housing Zoning Code Project:

The Bureau of Planning and Sustainability and Portland Housing Bureau are working together to develop regulatory and programmatic measures to implement the Inclusionary Housing Program, which will require some affordable housing units for new projects with over 20 units. The Proposed Draft was published on September 20. The Planning and Sustainability Commission held a hearing on the Proposed Draft on October 25, 2016. They will have a 3-hour work session and vote on a recommendation to City Council on November 8, beginning at approximately 1:00 pm. City Council will hold a public hearing and consider the recommendations on December 8 at 2:00 pm. More information can be found here:https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/71274


Mass Shelter and Housing Zoning Code Update:

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KNA land use committee meeting, this Tuesday, 6:30 pm

Join us for a land use committee meeting this Tuesday evening, at 6:30 pm (we needed to move this meeting up by one hour, and will decide this week if 6:30 pm [on 4th Tuesdays of each month] will be our starting time in the future).

We’ll be visited by Guy Bryant, a developer who wants initial input on a development he is planning near the NE corner of 7th/Beech. He asked that attendees take a look at his work first. http://portlandrowhouses.com/


King NA is holding a member meeting on November 9th, 2016.

King Neighborhood is holding a member meeting on Wednesday, November 9th, 2016, for the purpose of considering a change in our organizational by-laws. We have been asked by the City of Portland’s Office of Neighborhood Involvement (ONI) to clarify our procedures for handling grievances submitted to the neighborhood association. To that end, KNA’s board of directors is asking members to attend so as to hear the change detailed below. The proposed new language for a grievance procedure is taken from ONI’s suggested neighborhood association by-laws template, issued January 2015.

The NA board asks members to consider removing Article X in the current by-laws, and replacing it with:


Section 1. Other Forms of Conflict Resolution are Encouraged. All parties are encouraged to resolve disagreements and disputes through one-on-one dialogue, discussions with directors and members, and/or formal mediation whenever possible.

Section 2. Eligibility to Grieve. A person or group harmed as a result of a decision of this association may file a formal grievance if they believe the action taken by the association violated a provision of these bylaws, a formally-adopted policy of the association, or the ONI Standards.

Section 3. Filing a Grievance. Grievances must be submitted, in writing, to the association president and/or secretary, within 45 business days of the alleged violation. A grievance must identify the date of the action being grieved and the provision of the association’s bylaws or the ONI Standards which allegedly were violated, describe how the provision was violated and how the grievant was harmed by this action, and identify the remedy the grievant is seeking.

Section 4. Initial Review and Response. The board or the board’s designee will review the proposed grievance and determine whether it meets criteria for a grievance as defined in this article. If the proposed grievance is found not to meet the criteria, the board or its designee will inform the grievant in writing of this determination and the reasons for the determination. If the proposed grievance is found to meet the criteria, the review process continues.

Section 5. Grievance Committee. If the process continues, as per Section 4, the board, or a committee designated by the board, shall offer the grievant an opportunity to present information relevant to the grievance and shall gather other relevant information. The body carrying out the review will develop its findings and recommendations and submit them to the board.

Section 6. Board Action. The board shall consider the findings and recommendations and render a decision on the grievance. The board shall notify the grievant of the board’s decision, in writing, within 60 calendar days from the receipt of the grievance.


On Wednesday, November 9th, King NA will meet for a member meeting to review the above proposed change to our governing by-laws, at 7 pm. The regular monthly board meeting, open to all, begins after the conclusion of the member meeting. Both meetings will be at the offices of NECN, 4815 NE 7th Avenue. Before 7 pm, the office is closed to the public for a board training.



Alberta Main Street’s Equitable Placemaking Historical Markers Outreach Project


Alberta Main Street’s Equitable Placemaking Historical Markers Outreach Project seeks to collect stories that document the history of the African American community on Alberta Street. Stories will be included on the Alberta Main Street website, and selected stories will inform the creation of historical and cultural markers to be installed on Alberta Street between NE 10th – 31st Avenues.

Learn More: Alberta Main Street will be holding an informational community meeting about the project on Wednesday, November 9, 2016, 6:30 – 8 PM at Cerimon House (5131 NE 23rd Avenue, Portland, OR 97211). RSVP ONLINE

All stories are welcome and, with consent from the story teller, will be made publicly available on the Alberta Main Street website. We are particularly interested in the following:

  • Stories from current or former King, Vernon, Sabin or Concordia residents whose lives and families have been impacted by social and economic changes in the area.
  • Stories about historically significant events on or impacting Alberta Street.
  • Stories that recollect a personally significant event or experience on Alberta Street.

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KNA monthly meeting: Wednesday, October 12th, 6:30 pm



Hi all, We hold our monthly meeting next Wednesday at 6:30 pm (we may start  a few minutes late), at the offices of NECN, 4815 NE 7th Avenue.

The agenda for our meeting:

6:30 – Intros, agenda, minutes from August and September

6:45 – Grievance hearing

7:00 – Dozer Construction to present on their proposal for development at 4128 NE MLK.

7:20 – Garner Moody to present on his proposal for development at NE Garfield & Failing.

7:45 – Fiance report

7:50 – Green King update.

8 pm – Chair’s report.

8:15 – Adjourn.

All are welcome! The offices of NECN are accessible. We do not currently provide child care, however.