Night Work: some sewer repairs may take place overnight in 2017

The Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) is planning sewer replacements in our neighborhood, and some of that work is planned for night hours in 2017. Proposed night work would take place for up to six weeks on NE Killingsworth Street at NE MLK Boulevard, up to six weeks on NE Alberta Street near N Vancouver Avenue, and one week on NE Rosa Parks Way between NE Garfield Avenue and NE MLK Boulevard.

The proposed work requires a noise variance; Environmental Services will present the noise variance application  to the Noise Board on Wednesday, July 13. Your comments regarding the proposed night work are valuable and can be submitted by letter or email to:

Portland Noise Office
1221 SW 4th Avenue
Portland, OR 97204 (noise comments only, please!)

When contacting the Noise Office, please reference the Woodlawn-King Alleys Sewer Project or the Woodlawn-King Streets Sewer Project.

For more information on the sewer project, refer to the Woodlawn-King Sewer Project on the BES website. You may also send an email to Rhetta Drennan with “Woodlawn-King” in the subject line to receive project updates by email.

If you have questions or concerns that aren’t answered by BES, please contact the King Neighborhood Association:

King Neighborhood Association – Wednesday June 8th, 2016 meeting

Once again the exciting King Neighborhood Association  meeting: Wednesday June 8th, 2016 at 6:30 pm at NECN headquarters , 4815 NE 7th Avenue.

Please be prompt. We start at 6:30 pm

6:30 pm Introductions/Approve agenda and minutes,

grievance responses, letters as necessary

6:40 pm Sewer Project

6:45 pm Chair Talk

Board vacancies


Secretarial concerns

Coffee meetings

Restaffing grievance and by-laws committees

Appointing Committees Chairs

Blogpost and proposed policy change

Ocobock House

7:05 pm

KNA Education ,Membership and Public Image

7:10 pm Committee & Working Groups Reports:


Land Use-

Safety and Livability

Green King-

Clean-Up –



KNA Board Member positions opening

NewlogoKNAKing Neighborhood Association will be having the Annual Elections at the General Membership Meeting on May 11th at 6:30 pm at the NECN Headquarters Office (4815 NE 7th Avenue)

Board service is a chance to grow personally and professionally, to develop skills, gain unique experience and make lasting connections with a team of other passionate neighbors.

The Call for Nominations is now open and we are seeking candidates for the following open positions:

At-Large Representatives One
At-Large Representatives Three
At-Large Representatives Five

If you have interest, please read the job description and fill this voluntary application:

KNA Board Member Job Description

KNA Board Member Application Form


Envisioning a better park

Green King LogoAs part of the Green King Project, on April 27th, 2016 the King Green-space Collaborative (KGC), a collaborative that includes Green King,  NECN, SEI, Groundwork Portland and Lanyi Fan will be partnering with Architects Without Borders, for a design charrette. The goal of this charrette is to create designs for improving the King School Park and surrounding areas, using community input. KGC is working to increase green space, better integrate green areas, reduce water run-off, and improve lighting and safety in the King School Park area.

Architects Without Borders will be gathering a group of architects and landscape architects (both students and professionals) who would like to help with the project. Christina Frank, King Neighborhood resident and professional park designer will be the lead of the design team.

This is a long-term, community-driven project led by neighbors who are passionate about creating a better space for neighbors, engaging community and creating a model for environmental design.

We would like to invite you or your organization to participate in the charrette and to help members of the KGC and the surrounding community present information on the desired design outcomes. The first meeting of this charrette will be held on Wednesday, April 27th, from 6-8 pm at 601 W Burnside St, Portland (at St Andre Besset Catholic Church)

There will be many more opportunities to get involved in this project, closer to our neighborhood. Please contact if you have questions about this project.

For more info on Green King Project visit