Gardening, Coffee and Donuts @ King Neighborhood


Next Saturday, April 25th, from 10 to 1 pm

A bit of rain won’t deter any good Portlander, especially when there is free good coffee and donuts. Plus you get to shovel some dirt and mulch to feel less guilty about that extra donut that you shouldn’t have eaten.

Thanks to East Multnomah Water and Soil Conservation District, North East Coalition of Neighborhoods, King Neighborhood association, King School PTA  and Groundworks, the Green King Project is organizing this awesome community event to honor our Mother Earth.

Get to enjoy the fun and the good feeling that comes from changing some ugly neglected areas into beautiful green areas. Don’t miss this opportunity to help out your community, meet your neighbors, do some healthy exercise.  Please RSVP if you can. Location is at King School 4906 NE 6th | Portland, OR 97211 Parking is available in the parking lot in NE 7th and Wygant. We will be meeting close to the playground.

Join Green King and get updates of the event at or email from Green King if you have any questions.

Life’s most persistent and urgent question is “What are you doing for others?”
                                                                                                                            Martin Luther King, Jr



King PTA news.


Middle School Discussion

Current, future, and prospective King middle school parents and students to discuss the program and its future.  Tuesday, April 21st.  Meeting begins at 5:30 in the school library.

A message from parent, Tanisha Jones:

Hello all,

It was so nice to reconnect with many of you these last few days through our brief conversations around the topic of “What’s going on in King’s middle school”.  Like my husband and I, there are a lot of perceptions, questions, and concerns around what to expect and the offerings of our current middle school.  Some of us have students already in middle school, some on their way, and others soon approaching.

Whether you’ve been out of the loop of school activities, like my husband and I, and/or perhaps you are involved but don’t feel equipped with transparency of information to make a well informed decision about whether or not to keep your student at King for middle school, or know of what ideas/suggestions can be made towards enhancing the middle school program, your perspective of questions, concerns, and ideas are needed at the table during the Tuesday, April 21st PTA meeting, 5:30pm, in the King School library!!

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Get involved: help reduce barriers to appealing City of Portland decisions.

On Wednesday, April 22, 2015, City of Portland Ombudsman Margie Sollinger will take a proposal to City Council to reduce and eliminate current barriers community members face to appealing City government administrative decisions that affect them. (See below for some background information.) (Also attached is a two-page “primer” on the issue and proposal.)
Contact the Portland City Council members and let them know what you think about this proposal. (See below for their contact information.)
If you have questions or need more information, contact Margie Sollinger at:; 503-823-0144.
* * * * * * * *
City of Portland Ombudsman Margie Sollinger has discovered that the City of Portland has close to 200 administrative appeal processes by which members of the public can question or challenge City government decisions that materially affect them (such as permit denials, property exclusions, utility bills, lien assessments, vehicle tows, etc.)
Ombudsman Sollinger also discovered that, despite the formal availability of these appeal processes, many community members in Portland effectively do not have a right to appeal because:
  • Lack of notice of appeal rights. No standard requirement exists that the City notify affected community members when they have a right to appeal a particular decision or to provide sufficient information to help community members know how to appeal a decision.
  • Appeal fees are prohibitively expensive. No standard requirement exists that appeal fees be set at a reasonable amount. The filing fee for some appeals is over $1,300.
Ombudsman Sollinger is proposing that the City establish some standard requirements and protections for community members. These include:
  • Requiring the City to notify people when they have a right to appeal and that notice must be timely and adequate.
  • Instituting a nominal filing fee for administrative appeals to the Code Hearings Office, and offering a waiver of the filing fee for community members who cannot afford the nominal filing fee.
The City Council hearing on Ombudsman Sollinger’s proposal currently is scheduled for:
  • DATEWed. April 22, 2015
  • TIME3 p.m. (“time certain”)
  • PLACE:  Portland City Hall, Council Chambers, 1221 SW 4th Ave. in downtown Portland
Consider coming to the hearing to let the City Council know what you think about this proposal and/or share your thoughts with them by email, phone, or letter.
You can contact the members of Portland’s City Council at:
1221 SW 4th Ave, Room 240, 97204
(503) 823-3589
1221 SW 4th Ave, Room 220, 97204
1221 SW 4th Ave, Room 210, 97204
1221 SW 4th Ave, Room 230, 97204


Earth Day Alberta Street clean-up: you’re invited! April 18th.



Join us for the fifth annual spring-cleaning of NE Alberta Street!

April 18, 2015 • 10 AM – 1:30 PM.
Check-in starts at 9:30 at 18th and Alberta.
Rain or Shine.

The Earth Day cleanup is more than just a day of litter and graffiti removal; it is a day to meet your neighbors, build community and celebrate at the Golden Garbage Awards. We will provide refreshments in the morning as well as a celebration with prizes from Alberta Street businesses and food at the end of the clean up!

You will be assigned a section of Alberta Street between MLK and 33rd Avenue when you check in the morning of the event at Alberta Central – the courtyard between Umpqua Bank (1745 NE Alberta St Portland, OR 97211) and Barista at NE 18th Avenue and Alberta Street.

Please bring your own water bottle, gloves and any tools that will aid in clean up – some helpful tools include step ladders, wheelbarrows, flat head screwdrivers, pliers, razor blade scrapers.

Sign up to volunteer here!

King Neighborhood Tree Inventory: you’re invited to help!

We’re gearing up for a tree inventory in the neighborhood this summer, and you’re invited to help! We need Team Leaders to help volunteers count and assess trees in small sections of the n’hood, and when summer arrives, we’ll be looking for your help making the inventory happen!

Next dates:

April 1: Sabin/King Tree Team meeting at the Freehouse at 6:30. Join and learn more about the inventory. We will be brainstorming site locations for each work date and plan on how to recruit volunteers. We will have the exact dates for the Inventory and will have to secure those before the next meeting.

May 1: Dead line for securing site locations for the specific dates.

May 2: Recruitment training with the City (optional). Learn what resources they will provide and learn how to get our community involved. We will brainstorm partners in the neighborhood for volunteer efforts.

June 10 or 13: Attend Team Leader Training. Choose an afternoon or morning session.