KNA Agenda – August 13th 2014


King Neighborhood Association Meeting

Wednesday, August 13th, 2014

6:30 – 8:30 p.m.

4815 NE 7th Avenue (in the NECN offices)

Parking is available in the King School parking lot


  1. Introductions 5
  2. Approval of minutes 5
  3. Information meeting with developer Peter Kusyk re future development of 4023 NE 7th (next to Two Plum Park)* 40
  4. Rich Newland from PBOT re bikeway project 20
  5. Short term rental fees Q & A 15
  6. Request to renew support for the Summer in September Jambalaya Festival 5
  7. Thank you letter to Shoshana Cohen, outgoing NECN Exec. Dir. 5
  8. KNA Outreach 10
  9. Committee updates 10
  10. Announcements 5


*Local developer Peter Kusyk (Firenze Development) is considering developing the lot just South of Two Plum Park, at 4023 NE 7th. He is considering dividing the 5,000 square foot lot into two 2,500 sf lots and replacing the existing home with one, attached dwelling unit on each of the new lots.

Mr. Kusyk asked King Neighborhood Association for an information meeting regarding his preliminary development plans. Please join us for this discussion, at our regularly scheduled meeting.

Sewer construction update.

Inner NE Sewer Extension Construction Update: August 7, 2014

As part of the City of Portland’s effort to provide properties with sewer connections that comply with city code, Environmental Services continues construction on the Inner NE Sewer Extension project. This project will also help protect public health, property, and the environment by increasing the capacity of the public sewer system, reducing the potential for basement backups, and reducing the likelihood of emergency maintenance work in the future.


A project map is available at



  • Beginning next week and continuing on and off through mid-September, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, motorists and cyclists should expect delays on NE Prescott Street between NE 6th and 10th avenues.  Crews will be installing new main public sewer pipe and constructing several manholes in phases. Some phases will require flaggers to direct traffic around the work zone.



Below is the estimated Inner NE Sewer Extension construction schedule for the rest of this week and the next two weeks. As the contractor completes work on each street, crews apply a temporary asphalt patch over trenches used for construction. They will return at a later date to apply permanent paving.


The rest of this week

  • NE 7th Avenue (Going – Wygant) – main public sewer pipe and manhole construction
  • NE 8th Avenue (Going – Wygant) – main public sewer pipe, manhole, and lateral branch construction


Week of August 11

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State ballot measures for this autumn’s election.

Oregon’s Secretary of State has finalized which proposed measures will appear on the ballot this autumn.  Oregonians will have seven measures to consider. They are:

Measure 86 Education Amends Oregon Constitution to create fund for Oregonians pursuing post-secondary education; authorizes debt to finance
Measure 87 Judiciary Allows judges to be hired by the National Guard and public universities; allows school employees to serve in the legislature
Measure 88 Immigration Upholds four-year driver licenses for those who cannot prove legal presence in the United States
Measure 89 Civil Rights Guarantees equal rights regardless of sex
Measure 90 Elections Creates an open, top-two primary election system
Measure 91 Marijuana Legalizes recreational marijuana; tasks Oregon Liquor Control Commission with regulation of its sale
Measure 92 Business Reg Mandates labeling of certain foodstuffs that contain genetically modified organisms


Open House Tuesday, Aug 5th: LifeWorks/Beech St. Apartments

Home Forward is partnering with LifeWorks NW on a development in Northeast Portland that will provide permanent apartment homes with supportive services and expand a culturally-focused residential treatment program, Project Network.

The development’s 32 permanent apartments, which will be reserved for graduates of substance abuse treatment programs, represent Home Forward’s first “dry” housing program.  The development also is part of the agency’s efforts to preserve public housing by replacing former single-family public housing homes with more cost-efficient apartments in multi-family buildings.

Patients released from treatment would be eligible to live in one of the 32 affordable housing units in the other wing. Once there, they would continue outpatient services at a LifeWorks Northwest facility two blocks away on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.

light0-FROM-NE_2-29-12_2 Continue reading

Groundwork’s Green Team needs your support!

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Each summer, Groundwork Portland’s youth Green Teams develop jobs skills, leadership and build awareness of environmental and social justice issue through brownfield redevelopment, watershed restoration, environmental stewardship, and environmental career exposure.

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This year, we had more than 50 young people interested in the Green Team, but had limited funding for only 14.  The Green Team just began their work to clean up and restore schools, community gardens, and public parks in their neighborhoods.  So far, they have completed restoration projects at Kelley Point Park in North Portland and Metro Natural Area in East Portland. Each Green Team member is paid a modest stipend for their hard work. Continue reading