Life Transitions: a talk by Dr. Janet Taylor, April 15th.

Proudly hosting Life Transitions with Dr. Janet Taylor

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PRESERVE Coalition and Urban League of Portland will host a national expert in health, Dr. Janet Taylor.

Dr. Janet Taylor


Life Transitions with Dr. Janet Taylor is sponsored by PRESERVE Coalition and Urban League of Portland.  Dr. Taylor is on tour with the Dr. Bill Thomas’ Second Wind Tour in Portland on April 15th. Join Dr. Taylor in a short lecture on life transitions.

Dr. Janet Taylor is a Community Psychiatrist in New York City, the Bronx and Queens. The practice of Community Mental Health is extremely rewarding to Dr. Taylor, because “being on the frontline with individuals and their families battling the emotional and economic impact of Mental Illness is where I can make a difference”.  Join members of the Urban League of Portland and PRESERVE Coalition at the Muliticulural Seniors Center on April 15th from 11:00am-12:00pm for a short lecture on Life Transitions

Please RSVP early to this event. Space is limited
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King School PTA Survey.



Please help us plan out future priorities for King PTA.

We know your time is valuable, but we’d really like to hear from you.

PTA is working to establish its budget and programming priorities for the 2014-15 academic year. In order to make the best use of our energy and resources, we want to hear from all members of the King PTA and understand your valuable perspective on helping our school and all of its students to realize their full potential.

Your responses to the following questions will be very helpful in our development of a strong, clear agenda to begin the next school year.

More information at the King School PTA website!

Agenda for King NA’s meeting this Wednesday.

 King Neighborhood Association general meeting

April 9, 2014, at 6:30 pm, at 4815 NE 7th Avenue

KNA General meeting agenda.

6:30    Welcome and introductions; approval of minutes and agenda; announcements.

6:40     [REDACTED], Egg Hunt.

6:45     Update from the Portland Police Bureau; crime and safety in King. Eileen Kennedy – NET training.

6:55     Jonah Majure, Public Water Trust initiative.

7:20     Proposed by-laws changes for the NA.

7:40     Board announcements, committee reports and upcoming events.

8:20     Adjourn.

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Questions? Other events we should know about? tell us –, or 503-823-4575.

Coming up in King….

King NA holds a general meeting next Wednesday, April 9th, at 6:30 pm. We’ll be talking about changes to NA by-laws, hearing about the local Public Water Trust campaign (, and checking in with our committees and spring event planning teams.

If you are joining us for our April meeting, you are invited to bring (dry) food donations for the Portland Food Project, helping to mitigate hunger in our city. We’ll meet at NECN, 4815 NE 7th Avenue.

Later this month, there will be a celebration of the 25th anniversary of the naming of Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard. If you are interested in doing some volunteer work to help – outreach to organizations in our neighborhood, primarily – email us at info@ and we’ll put you in touch with the organizers.

Thursday, April 10th, community leaders are holding the first meeting of a discussion and working group on affordable housing. All residents of the area are invited to participate. The meeting will be held at NECN, 4815 NE 7th Avenue, at 6:30 pm. Email us for more info on the meeting.

Sunday, April 20th: Join us at our Tiny Tots Egg Hunt, in Two Plum Park! We kick things off for the littles ones – five yo and under – at 10:30 am. Eggs will be filled with nut-free candies.

We’ll be holding our neighborhood Clean-up on the 26th of April, Saturday, from about 10 am to 1 pm, in the Police Precinct’s parking lot. Bring us your junk and debris, and a small fee, and we’ll haul it away for you. More info to come.

If you’re interested in becoming part of a King safety NET (Neighborhood Emergency Team), email Eileen Kennedy:

Transportation forum with Metro, this Thursday

Your voice is important: Join Metro for a community forum on the future of our transportation system


Metro is hosting a series of community discussions about the future of transportation investments.  Join us on April 3, at the Madison High School Library and meet with Metro councilors Sam Chase, Bob Stacey and Shirley Craddick.  This is your opportunity to meet with your councilors, give your input on regional plans, and help shape the future of the region.

Join us at this community forum

5:30 p.m. open house
6:00 p.m. Metro Councilor welcome
6:20 p.m. discussion tables
7:30 p.m. Adjourn

April 3, Multnomah County

Madison High School library
2735 NE 82nd Ave., Portland

Metro is seeking public comments through our survey site from Thursday, March 27 through Monday, May 5.  You can also give more detailed feedback on the plans and programs that will shape our region for the next 25 years.
Information that you provide will inform: