The Portland Bureau of Environmental Services and Portland Parks are leading a native planting event at Woodlawn City Park on Saturday, April 23 at 9 am to 12 pm. The goal of the event is to help manage stormwater, provide pollinator habitat, and bring more nature and beauty to the park. See below for more details.
Author Archives: King Neighborhood Association
April 5th 2022 King Neighborhood Meeting
Date: April 5th
Time: 6:00 PM PDT
Please join us for our April 2022 board meeting, please use the details below to join the call:
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Meeting ID: 824 5207 1061
Passcode: 556791
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Meeting ID: 824 5207 1061
Passcode: 556791
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March 2022 King Neighborhood Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 829 0191 4669
Passcode: 817800
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+16699009128,,82901914669#,,,,*817800# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,82901914669#,,,,*817800# US (Tacoma)
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+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 829 0191 4669
Passcode: 817800
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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School Vandalized with Hate Speech and Graffiti
Our own Dr. MLK Jr. Elementary School has been vandalized with hate speech and graffiti targeted at children. Please review the article listed for more details and PLEASE use the number at the end of the article if you have any information that could lead to the identification and arrest of those responsible.
The children of our community deserve the best and should not be subjected to immature and hateful displays such as this. We need to find those responsible and see that they face consequences for their attempts to terrorize children.
MLK Jr. Elementary vandalized with hate speech, graffiti
KNA Meeting Minutes January 4, 2022
You can read the January 4th meeting minutes here.