Friends of Trees needs you–and your pickup truck

FOT_logo_colorVolunteer with your truck…and help plant trees in your neighborhood!

How to Get Involved:
Can you volunteer at the King Tree Planting?
February 9, 2013 8am-1pm
Yes? Great! Contact your Neighborhood Coordinator:
Irek Wielgosz (503) 828-6943

Want to volunteer with your truck at another planting?
Contact Friends of Trees at 503-282-8846 x18 or visit We need your help moving young trees to their new planting sites at your neighbors’ homes. Breakfast and lunch are included with this morning volunteer opportunity!

Architectural Heritage Center Hosts Free Open House – Feb 2, 2013

The public is invited to attend the Architectural Heritage Center’s library open house. This is a rare opportunity to have free access to the AHC library and get a peak into the closed archives. 

Learn about great research resources available for your family, neighborhood, business or organization. Staff and volunteers will be on hand to answer your questions and share library resources.

Architectural Heritage Center
Library Open House
February 2, 2013
10:00 am to 3:00 pm

More information:
Phone: 503-231-7264


Marijuana Town Hall with Congressman Blumenauer, Sunday 1/27, at Dishman CC

Marijuana_Leaf_v2_REQUEST_by_Holly6669666Marijuana Policy Project To Host Oregon Town Hall with Congressman Blumenauer
Free, public event will look at pathways to effective marijuana regulation in Oregon
Portland, Ore. – The Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), the nation’s leading advocacy organization dedicated to reforming state and federal marijuana law, will be hosting a free, public town hall meeting on Sunday, January 27, 2013 from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Matt Dishman Community Center in Portland.
The town hall, entitled “Marijuana: Setting a Path Toward Regulation in Oregon” will feature special remarks from U.S. Representative Earl Blumenauer (D-OR).
“The advances that we have seen in sensible drug policy reform from voter initiatives and state legislatures throughout the country, have gained indisputable momentum over the past months,” said Blumenauer. “The entire landscape is shifting, and conversations like those being hosted by the Marijuana Policy Project are crucial in leading the way to a future where Congress will enact sensible and necessary reform on the national level.”
The panel, which will be moderated by MPP’s Oregon representative Roy Kaufmann, will also feature insights and comments from Steve Fox, MPP’s Director of Government Relations and the key architect of the successful 2012 Colorado Amendment 64 campaign, which won with 55 percent of the vote.
“I am looking forward to sharing the stage with Congressman Blumenauer, who is committed to reforming our nation’s marijuana laws,” said Fox. “Following our historic victory in Colorado last November, MPP is excited about the prospect of passing initiatives to regulate marijuana like alcohol in a number of other states and we believe the voters of Oregon will support such a measure in the near future. This forum will be an opportunity for interested individuals and organizations from across Oregon to engage in a thoughtful discussion about this plan.”
For more information, contact Roy Kaufmann at

Valentine’s Fest @ Whole Foods, February 7th – a benefit for the NE Backpack Lunch Program


Valentine’s Fest 2013:

Feed your Sweeties!


Benefit for the Northeast Backpack Lunch Program

Thursday, February 7th 4-7pm. $10 per guest, children under 12 eat free!

Whether they’re kids or adults, we know you have a valentine in your life! Join us for this fun tasting event. We invite you to wind your way through the store with your Valentine’s Punch Card and enjoy your meal. There will be sweets, there will be savories, and we hope there will be a smile on your face when you’re through! 100% of the proceeds will benefit the Northeast Backpack Lunch Program, which provides lunches to school children at four area schools (Woodlawn, Tina Clegg, Harvey Scott, and King) who are on free or reduced-price lunch programs. With this program, they are assured of at least two meals over the weekend. Please RSVP with the number in your party to so we can ensure enough food for everyone.  Happening at Whole Foods Market on Fremont 3535 NE 15th Ave, PDX .


King NA calls for Multnomah County Sheriff to end unnecessary deportation imprisonment.

The King NA this week mailed the following letter to Multnomah County Sheriff Daniel Station:


Dear Sheriff Staton:

The King Neighborhood Association is writing to express our support for ending the use of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) holds in the jail. We are particularly concerned that you have not responded to repeated requests from community members to work together in passing a county policy that limits participation in ICE’s S-COM Mass deportation program.   We can’t afford to wait while families are torn apart and our public safety is undermined. We invite you to respond immediately about how you plan to work with the community to keep families together and keep our communities safe.

Thousands of hard working Oregonians have been deported because local law enforcement agencies have chosen to comply with ICE requests to hold people. Many of these deportations are happening to Oregonians who have not committed any criminal offense or major violation of the law, separating families and destroying the trust between local law enforcement and our communities.  In fact, this system has proved to be so flawed, that ICE holds have erroneously been placed on citizens and lawful residents.

ICE holds create an environment in which community members do not trust law enforcement and are reluctant to report crimes out of fear. Limiting the use of ICE holds will go a long way to restore trust in law enforcement and support community policing efforts.  Additionally, local taxpayers bear the cost burden of these holds.

We invite, you, Sheriff Staton to not comply with voluntary requests from ICE to hold and turn over people for deportation, and to communicate to the public your opposition to ICE holds.