- Lack of notice of appeal rights. No standard requirement exists that the City notify affected community members when they have a right to appeal a particular decision or to provide sufficient information to help community members know how to appeal a decision.
- Appeal fees are prohibitively expensive. No standard requirement exists that appeal fees be set at a reasonable amount. The filing fee for some appeals is over $1,300.
- Requiring the City to notify people when they have a right to appeal and that notice must be timely and adequate.
- Instituting a nominal filing fee for administrative appeals to the Code Hearings Office, and offering a waiver of the filing fee for community members who cannot afford the nominal filing fee.
- DATE: Wed. April 22, 2015
- TIME: 3 p.m. (“time certain”)
- PLACE: Portland City Hall, Council Chambers, 1221 SW 4th Ave. in downtown Portland
(503) 823-3589