Come learn about becoming involved in Multnomah County governance, this Sunday.

The Multnomah County Office of Citizen Involvement is conducting its 2014 Education & Recruitment Campaign. They’ll talk with people about what the county does, answer your questions, and inform you about opportunities to volunteer and to provide input into decision-making. This year they’ll also be asking people for comments or concerns they have with the county which we’ll then pass on directly to program managers.

Since the program began in 2010, we’ve had conversations with over 750 people at 42 events. In addition, over 375 people have requested more information about county programs and volunteer opportunities, which has led to the recruitment of many people for county advisory committees and other volunteer programs.

Come to the King Farmers Market this Sunday, Sept 21st, and talk with Multnomah County staff!


Let Portland Parks acquire your field at the corner of N Emerson and Williams for development as a neighborhood park

Portland Parks and Rec have expressed an interest in developing the empty field at the corner of N Emerson & Williams as a small neighborhood park. Salvation Army currently owns that land and has been unresponsive to the idea of selling it. This petition is aimed at simply bringing them to the table to discuss the possibilities for this under-utilized piece of green space in our neighborhood


Let Portland Parks acquire your field at the corner of N Emerson and Williams for development as a neighborhood park

With the advancing line of aggressive commercial development only a block away now, it is only a matter of time until the national Salvation Army board will be courted to sell this under-utilized land to the highest bidder. Leaders in acquisitions and development at Portland Parks and Rec have reached out to Salvation Army numerous times to start a process of acquiring this land to be kept off the open market and developed instead as a vital piece of neighborhood green space. Salvation Army has been unresponsive so far but the hope would be that a show of support from the surrounding neighborhoods would at least bring them to the table. Ideally they would come to see that this could be a win-win for them and the neighborhood since they could continue to use the land as they currently do if it was a public park.

Sign the petition here

Depave at King: Saturday, September 27th 10-1 pm

IMG_5825Thanks to East Multnomah Water and Soil Conservation District, Depave, King Neighborhood association, King School PTA  and NECN, the Green King Project is organizing this awesome community event. Get to enjoy the fun and the good feeling that comes from seeing the asphalt gone and replaced by green areas. Don’t miss this opportunity to help out your community, meet your neighbors, do some healthy exercise and have chance to dance in the street with DJ Josh. Please RSVP if you can. Location is at King School 4906 NE 6th | Portland, OR 97211 Parking is available in the parking lot in NE 7th and Wygant

Join Green King and get updates of the event at

RSVP or questions:

Come join King’s Neighborhood Emergency Team: training in September!


NET Online Basic Preparedness Training

Take the first step toward becoming a NET!

Disaster Training Night


Neighborhood Emergency Teams (NETs) are Portland residents trained by the Portland Bureau of Emergency Management and Portland Fire & Rescue to provide emergency disaster assistance within their own neighborhoods.

Come together to:

  • Learn more about becoming a NET
  • Start the process by watching the training videos
  • Learn how to help your neighborhood

What:  Watch two hours of the Online Basic Preparedness Training in preparation for the required online quiz (quiz may be taken that night!)


When: September 11 from 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Where:  NE 7th and Wygant at Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods

Contact or call 503-388-5004 to register as space is limited.


This night of training is for people who are interested in making the commitment to become a NET.

Additional requirements include 21 hours of classroom training and passing a four hour field test.

Learn more about what NET is and the steps required to join:

State ballot measures for this autumn’s election.

Oregon’s Secretary of State has finalized which proposed measures will appear on the ballot this autumn.  Oregonians will have seven measures to consider. They are:

Measure 86 Education Amends Oregon Constitution to create fund for Oregonians pursuing post-secondary education; authorizes debt to finance
Measure 87 Judiciary Allows judges to be hired by the National Guard and public universities; allows school employees to serve in the legislature
Measure 88 Immigration Upholds four-year driver licenses for those who cannot prove legal presence in the United States
Measure 89 Civil Rights Guarantees equal rights regardless of sex
Measure 90 Elections Creates an open, top-two primary election system
Measure 91 Marijuana Legalizes recreational marijuana; tasks Oregon Liquor Control Commission with regulation of its sale
Measure 92 Business Reg Mandates labeling of certain foodstuffs that contain genetically modified organisms