King School Park – PP&R survey

Green King Logo

The findings of the PP&R survey on the Green King proposal to resurface the broken tennis courts and replace them with new futsal courts are out. There are many possibilities to get involved in the King School Park improvement process. We are looking for neighbors that are passionate runners to help us with the new running track proposal. Get involved. Follow us


The purpose of the King School Park Futsal Resurfacing survey summary is to:
• Understand who uses King School Park
• Understand people’s experience with King School Park
• Ensure that the community-based proposal to the park will provide benefits to all Portlanders and park users

Green King Committee approached Portland Parks & Recreation (PP&R) with a grant they applied through Fields for All which would provide local youth with safe, healthy and high quality playing surface. PP&R directed Green King Committee to use PP&R’s Park Proposal Process.246 individuals participated in the King School Park Futsal Resurfacing survey. This is a high response rate for a community park.
In general, 79% of the participants indicated that they were “Strongly Supportive” or “Supportive” of the resurfacing of the existing tennis courts to futsal courts. Reasons for this support includes: futsal courts will be used more often, they will create active and positive spaces, and the use will develop communities.
The diverse ethnicity and age of respondents reflects the work on the park of the Green King Committee to create an inclusive process.

Summary of Findings
246 individuals participated in the King School Park Futsal Resurfacing survey. This is a high response rate for a community park.
In general, 79% of the participants indicated that they were “Strongly Supportive” or “Supportive” of the resurfacing of the existing tennis courts to futsal courts. Reasons for this support includes: futsal courts will be used more often, they will create active and positive spaces, and the use will develop communities.
The diverse ethnicity and age of respondents reflects the work on the park of the Green King Committee to create an inclusive process.

Read the full report:

K.N.A. meeting – Wednesday, March 9th 2016 at 6:30 pm

NewlogoKNAKNA meeting on Wednesday March 9th at 6:30 pm- 8:30 pm at NECN

Time and Location:

6:30 PM – Wednesday, February 10th  (Please come promptly at 6:30 pm)

NECN Headquarters

4815 NE 7th Ave, Portland, OR 97211




Grievance Committee meets at 6:10 pm


KNA meeting will start promptly at 6:30. Please try to be on time.

6:30 Introductions/ Approve agenda and minutes

6:45 YWCA update

7:00 Bethel Economic Development

7:15 NECN recommendations

7:25 432 NE Jessup property

7:35  Vanport Discussion

8:00  Association Business

Treasurer’s Report


Committee & Working groups reports:



Land Use

Safety & Livability

Green King

Spring Clean-Up


Community Peace Collaborative Public Forum


PLEASE NOTE – The next meeting of the CPC PUBLIC FORUM has been RESCHEDULED (from February 26, Friday) to March 2nd, Wednesday.

  • The CPC PUBLIC FORUM will be held at the same time and in the same location  (10 AM-11:30 AM, @ 449 NE Emerson, Portland OR 97211, in the North Portland Community Policing Center Large, Public Conference Room).


  • PLEASE JOIN US while we continue to celebrate COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT within Portland’s long standing, recurring PUBLIC FORUM, seeking solutions to criminal violence.


  • JOIN US on MARCH 2nd. Bring others. Help us continue to seek solutions that insure safety for our youth, families and community members.

Check out the following web page for additional information regarding the Community Peace Collaborative Public Forum

Join us on WEDSNESDAY MARCH 2nd !!!

Tom Peavey
Policy Manager
Office of Youth Violence Prevention
449 NE Emerson
Portland OR 97211
Office Phone: (503) 823-4180
FAX (503) 823-3004

Celebrating Black History


You are cordially invited to join a cultural celebration, marking the culmination of Black History Month

February 28th, 3 pm

Hughes Memorial UMC

111 NE Failing

-old-fashioned soul food after the program-

Program features old-time gospel hymns, singing, praise dancers, praise teams, Black preachers, fun, and celebration

This year’s theme: Under the Right Cover

It features hats and garb from ‘back in the day…’ Guests are welcome to participate and wear a hat.

Upcoming events at Albina & North Portland Library branches



Some upcoming events at the nearby library branches (check the library’s site for more):

Monday, February 15, 1 pm:

Job Seekers Help at North Portland Computer Learning Center

Thursday, February 18th, 12:30 pm:

Tax Help at North Portland Library

Saturday, February 20th, 11 am:

Children’s Folk Songs from the Rural South at North Portland Library

Monday, February 22nd, 6:30 pm:

Black Storytime at Albina Library

Tuesday, February 23rd, 5 pm:

Suspenseful Stories of African-American Folklore at North Portland Library

Tuesday, February 23rd, 6:30 pm:

Dyslexia 101 at Albina Library

Saturday, February 27th, 3:45 pm:

Get Started With African American Genealogy at North Portland Computer Learning Center

March 12th & April 19th: Resumé help at North Portland


Also! There is a Comics Contest right now, deadline March 15th, for youngsters in grades 6 through 12. Email for more info, or stop into your library branch.