Agenda for this Wednesday’s KNA meeting.

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King Neighborhood Association General Meeting

at the King Neighborhood Facility, 4815 NE 7th Avenue


Wednesday, November 12, 2014 – 6:30 to 8:30 pm



Draft Agenda
6:30    Welcome and introductions.


6:35     Approval of minutes and agenda (Margo).


6:40   United Neighborhoods for Reform (UNR) resolution (Margaret Davis).


7:10   Tree Inventory Project (Elizabeth Specht).


7:15   St. Andrews Nativity School’s Nativity Nosh –a Community Kitchen (Julia Ford)


7:25   Proposed Portland street fees.


7:45     KNA Land Use Committee update, including update from the Vanport/Alberta & MLK working group meetings (Leigh and Margo).


8:00   Green King update (Diego).


8:10   Safety in King update (Eileen).


8:15   Requests to use space in King school for public meetings by other organizations, including ADU tour and CURB PDX/Restore 3962 (Margo, Alan).


8:20   King NA communications plan (tentative) (Margo).


8:25   Floor open to announcements from all in attendance.


8:30   Adjourn.

KNA will discuss Street Fee at Wed’s meeting – SE Uplift letter to Council on the fees below…


Date:               4 November 2014

To:                  Mayor Hales
Commissioner Fritz
Commissioner Fish
Commissioner Novick
Commissioner Saltzman

From:              Southeast Uplift Board of Directors

Subject:           Portland Street Fees

When the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) proposed a new “Street Fee” earlier this year, a sense of urgency framed declarations about its absolute need.  Portland’s roads were falling apart, and if we failed to fix them, addressing the problem would only cost us much more in the long run.

In May, the Portland Bureau of Transportation, citing examples from a number of smaller cities in Oregon, proposed shifting tax burdens to home owners and local business and away from fuel users.  The discussion has been disjointed with little in the way of analysis and even less public involvement.

Southeast Uplift’s board representing the twenty inner southeast neighborhoods would like to make the following points:

  1. A fee, requiring no vote of the people, requires more public involvement, not less.  The discussion has lacked transparency, involved a very limited number of participants, and is not well understood.
  2. We need more time and more discussion about the choices between street maintenance and safety.
  3. The design of the fee and its implementations have serious deficiencies

Public Involvement and Transparency

Portland’s neighborhood associations are the primary focus of public involvement in the city.  In this case, there has been very limited communication with the neighborhood associations or the coalitions, like Southeast Uplift.

Concerned citizens have had access to a disorganized web site, but this provided few comprehensible answers.

Over the summer, two committees were formed, one composed of low income and advocacy groups and one representing business interests, to provide feedback on the street fee proposal.  These committees were not representative of the broader citizenry who will be asked to fund this measure.  The standard public involvement framework:  Office of neighborhood Involvement, coalitions, and neighborhood associations were neither consulted nor briefed by city officials.

If the street fee does not face the vote of the people.  Public involvement should be more intense, not less, and it should be possible for the average Portland resident to understand the proposal.

Lacking a more inclusive public process, the new fee should be put forward for a public vote.
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King NA meeting agenda, Wednesday, October 8th

King Neighborhood Association Meeting Agenda

October 8th, 6:30 p.m.

NECN offices at 4815 NE 7th Avenue

1. Introductions 6:30 – 6:35

2. Safety update with Ofc. Zoeller (Simpson, Quick Trip, Safeway, others) 6:35 – 6:45

3. Update and request for support from the Demand Redesign campaign (regarding a proposed development on Russell and 7th) with Susan Stringer 6:45 – 7:05

4. Lobbying the OLCC with Theresa Marchetti 7:05 – 7:25

5. Request for support from Nativity School’s Community Kitchen with Julia Ford 7:25 – 7:35

6. Land Use Committee Update (including PDC Working Group and review of traffic concerns) 7:35 – 8:05

7. KNA Financial report 8:05 – 8:10

8. Review KNA communications plan for FY 2014 8:10 – 8:20

9. Approve minutes, announcements 8:20 – 8:30

KNA Agenda – August 13th 2014


King Neighborhood Association Meeting

Wednesday, August 13th, 2014

6:30 – 8:30 p.m.

4815 NE 7th Avenue (in the NECN offices)

Parking is available in the King School parking lot


  1. Introductions 5
  2. Approval of minutes 5
  3. Information meeting with developer Peter Kusyk re future development of 4023 NE 7th (next to Two Plum Park)* 40
  4. Rich Newland from PBOT re bikeway project 20
  5. Short term rental fees Q & A 15
  6. Request to renew support for the Summer in September Jambalaya Festival 5
  7. Thank you letter to Shoshana Cohen, outgoing NECN Exec. Dir. 5
  8. KNA Outreach 10
  9. Committee updates 10
  10. Announcements 5


*Local developer Peter Kusyk (Firenze Development) is considering developing the lot just South of Two Plum Park, at 4023 NE 7th. He is considering dividing the 5,000 square foot lot into two 2,500 sf lots and replacing the existing home with one, attached dwelling unit on each of the new lots.

Mr. Kusyk asked King Neighborhood Association for an information meeting regarding his preliminary development plans. Please join us for this discussion, at our regularly scheduled meeting.