It’s been a pleasure to serve your neighborhood as part of your Association. I’ve stepped down after three (non-consecutive) terms as board chair, and I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to work with so many folks who believe in organizing for a King that provides opportunities for all to thrive. I’d like to throw out some thank yous to individual folks who have volunteered with the neighborhood association within the last year:
-All of my fellow board members, those who served in the past, and those very capable folks who are on the board at present.
-The Green King team – it’s been a joy to watch Green King reshape the King School grounds, to become a shared public space and learning environment that’s thoughtfully designed with user needs, play, and environmental impact, in mind.
-Stephanie Sanchez, an Americorps addition to the Green King team, for the last year.
-Mark & Margo, who organized the neighborhood clean-up; and our other clean-up volunteers.
-Maureen and Tia, for organizing an egg hunt and raising money for the Backpack Books program, giving new books to some of our King School students, to read over the summer.
-Nora Bauman and Demian Jones, for their help with NA communications.
-NECN staff Laura, Fran, and Jessica; and Anjala Ehlebe; for helping steer us through the technical & practical aspects of operating a community organization.
-All of our other volunteers and community partners; so many thanks to all of you.
I invite you to visit with our NA board, or send an email (info@kingneighborhood.org) to find out where your ideas, energy, and talents can fit into the work of the Association.