The King Backpack Program is thrilled to announce that it has been selected by Shop2Care, a new not-for-profit online charitable shopping program, as one of its first cause partners. An initial grant from the Shop2Care Foundation of $5,000 is providing two (2) meals per weekend, for 45 children, for a year, a total of 4,680 meals. Without this program, these children would not have access to nutritious food over the weekend. Shop2Care chose the King Backpack Program as a partner due to its strong collaborative programming, proven track record, and high social return on investment.
The King Backpack Program, a fiscally sponsored program of the Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods, anticipates that it will be the recipient of thousands of dollars of future donations from Shop2Care members as they determine how to direct the retailer rebates generated from their normal online shopping behavior. All of this will occur at no additional cost to the member, but will have a significant impact on the issue of hunger.
Alan Silver, King Backpack Program Director, states, “The King Backpack Program is grateful to partner with Shop2Care in gathering funds to directly reduce hunger for the most vulnerable among us. Regular meals are foundational to healthy, vital lives for our youth.”
Shop2Care founder, Mark Asofsky, a dedicated philanthropist, adds, “Shop2Care donates consumers’ retailer rebates, when directed by members to do so, to nonprofit agencies that create significant impact on specific areas of need in the United States. We believe that the King Backpack Program will be a strong cause partner, helping Shop2Care powerfully impact the issue of hunger.”
Shop2Care’s partnership with the King Backpack Program is described in more detail on the Shop2Care website, at www.shop2care.org in the ‘Cause’ section under ‘Hunger’.
About The King Backpack Program
The King Backpack Program serves two weekend lunches to fifty-five King Elementary School children who are at risk of hunger on the weekends, by putting the lunches in their backpacks every Friday. The King Backpack Program is a partner to the Northeast Portland Backpack Lunch Program, a regional coordinator of lunch programs for children in need.
About Shop2Care
Shop2Care is an innovative charitable shopping program that enables it members to generate donations for causes they care about all while shopping online, at no additional cost to them. Members can direct their donation dollars to any number of the following causes: human services, hunger relief, health, children’s services and education. Shop2Care’s mission is to enable anyone to become a philanthropist simply by purchasing the products and services they already need or want while seamlessly shopping on their favorite online sites; to identify and highlight responsible, effective and impactful nonprofit organizations within the United States; and to raise money to benefit those in need in America. For more information on Shop2Care, or to register for free, visit: www.shop2care.org.