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Celebrate at Two Plum Park with us, this Sunday!
The Bench installation in Two Plum Park is complete!
I’d like to thank each and every one of you who made this bench possible! After such a long journey, it suddenly feels simple again; a place to sit, relax and enjoy Two Plum Park.
Portland weather in November tends to be rainy, but this deserves a celebration!
Sunday November 24th from 2-4 pm we will toast the bench installation with hot cider in the park! (There will be a canopy to gather under, in case of rain.)
Stop by, have a seat and discover Two Plum Park!
–Emily Wilson
PAALF intergenerational forum on gentrification and resiliency, Nov. 20th.

Topic: Bringing together generations to explore community strength and resiliency within the cycle of displacement and gentrification
Time: 6:00-9:00 PM
Location: Oregon Association of Minority Entrepreneurs (OAME)
4134 N. Vancouver Avenue, Portland, OR 97217
(Parking available. Bus and Bike friendly)
TO RSVP, please click here.
Questions? Please contact Rachel Gilmer at or ph. 503.249.1721 Ext. 230.
PAALF hosts quarterly intergenerational forums with the objective to:
- Build individual relationships across generations
- Provide opportunity for self reflection
- Deepen the understandings of each generation’s perceptions of themselves and towards others
- Strengthen relationships within and across gender and generation
- Inform the PAALF action agenda
Community protest against PDC decision on Vanport lot, Sunday, Nov 17th.
Community members disappointed in this week’s PDC decision on the Vanport lot (MLK/Alberta) sent us this announcement:
A coalition of concerned citizens will gather this Sunday to protest a decision made by the Portland Development Commission (PDC) that will further exacerbate gentrification in the neighborhoods of North and Northeast Portland.
Date: Sunday, November 17, from 11 am to 1 pm
Location: Northwest corner of MLK and Alberta
The PDC has voted to give away $2.4 million in taxpayer dollars to a billionaire family for the development of the national grocery chain on Northeast Martin Luther King Boulevard and Alberta. In this age of service reductions, school closures, layoffs and budget cuts, the PDC hopes this subsidy for billionaires – which includes the co-owner of LA Lakers who is pursuing acquisition of his 3rd professional sports team – will trickle down to benefit the “under-served community.”
This development will occur in one of the fastest gentrifying zip codes in the nation (where rental vacancy times have recently dropped to a stunning eight days). Over the past decades, the PDC has contributed to the rapid displacement of traditionally African American and low-income residents living in North and Northeast Portland. This abuse of taxpayers dollars will continue to fuel a massive amount of new private investments – micro-apartments, skyrocketing rents, real estate speculation, that will continue to transform this community into an unlivable red-line for low-income residents.
There are obvious concerns about whether the PDC should subsidize Majestic Realty Company when there are 4 grocery stores that offer commercial and organic choices within a mile and a half of the site. There are true food deserts in our city, mostly in East Portland, that continue to be overlooked for equitable public resources.
In addition, this deal constructed by the Portland Development Commission was far from transparent. The recommendation for a grocery store project was developed by a committee over a decade ago. No public forum has been provided to re-evaluate this recommendation in over 5 years. The general public was not informed of the ‘mystery grocery store’ until days before the PDC Board brought their secret agreement to a vote.
Despite a long history of unfulfilled promises for remedies, the city bureaucracy has failed to see this property as an opportunity to bring together neighbors and community members affected by gentrification about what our vision is, for our public land.
We must try harder to hold the PDC to higher standards – more accountability, more transparency, and stronger focus on equity.
King NA board meeting, this Thursday, November 21st, 7 pm.
We meet this Thursday, 7 pm, at Beech Street Parlor, upstairs, at 412 NE Beech Street. See you there!
Agenda for this meeting:
1. Open seats on the board; appointing a new land-use rep to NECN. Other open committee seats.
2. Considering Andrew’s letter re: support for an MLK streetcar.
streetcar letter.
3. Considering ways to support Angel/Signature Cutz at Mason & MLK.
4. Should we support Rick Sills in a grievance against NECN re: changing voting requirements for NAs, should he file one?
5. Revisiting our September letter to PDC asking for more community input to urban renewal area development decisions.
6. KNA finance update.
7. Communications for the NA.
8. How to respond to PDC decision for Vanport – multiple avenues to consider, including collaboration with NECN, & other community organizations.
9. Timeline for updating/changing KNA by-laws.
10. Collaboration with other neighborhoods: Vernon, Humboldt, Sabin/King Sustainability.
11. Opportunities for volunteers to work with our NA: what are our needs? e-communications, project coordinator for Movie in the Park/Spring Clean-up.
Next King Community Meeting: Wed. December 11th, 6:30 pm, 4815 NE 7th Avenue.
Agenda items for December’s meeting:
1. Architects without Borders presentation re: King Park/School depaving & redesign
2. Jamie Partridge – supporting teachers.
3. Portland Prison Divestment Campaign (see
4. Update on community response to PDC’s decision on Vanport.
5. Update on neighbors’ efforts re: crime/livability at 12th & Alberta.
Please let Alan know(email: if you have additions to December’s agenda.