By-laws for King NA in a revisioning process


KNA will vote on new bylaws at our meeting next month. As always, we will meet on the second Wednesday of the month, September 11th at 6:30 pm in the NECN offices at 4815 NE 7th Avenue (near the corner of 7th and Wygant). All members are invited to come and vote. Our current bylaws are posted online here:


Proposed changes to the by-laws will be available on this site soon!

Summer in September Jambalaya Festival & BBQ

49C7D21F-21B4-40B6-82A27FB7A9D8D9A0_mediumPlan to join us for the 8th Annual Summer in September Jambalaya Festival and BBQ presented by New Seasons Market on Saturday, Sept. 7, from noon to 6 p.m. at Dawson Park. Additional sponsors include Oregon Transfer, Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods, Por Que No, Oregon Metal Slitters, Unified Grocers, Widmer Brothers Brewing, KBMS 1480 AM, Worth & Barbara Caldwell, Chuck & Suzanne Carlbom and Teletha Benjamin.

This unique neighborhood event features an authentic Creole Jambalaya meal, ribs and a variety of picnic food along with entertainment and activities for the entire family. This year we will feature a beer garden sponsored by Widmer Brothers Brewing and a special Past-Present-Future exhibit of Black History from Oregon Historical Society, info on the Freedom Fighters presented by Roosevelt High School and a display on Portland’s Lost Black Neighborhoods.

Entertainment includes Jim Creek, Cascade Zydeco dancers, We Sick Boss, Dark Star, E.D. Monmdaine Gospel, Chief Don, Bullfrogz, DJ, No Limit, Main Squeeze and Randy Star.

All proceeds provide hot meals for seniors in Northeast Portland.

Tickets are $15 per person or $45 for four people.

Head to to buy tickets or sign up to volunteer.

King Neighborhood Association is proud to be a sponsor of Summer in September.

King N’hood Ass’n meeting this Wednesday evening!

King NA meets this Wednesday evening – here’s a look at what’s on our agenda:


King Neighborhood Association General Meeting

King Neighborhood Facility, 4815 NE 7th Avenue

August 14, 2013– 6:30 to 8:00 PM


6:30     Introductions; approval of minutes and agenda; announcements

6:40     Update from the Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods.

6:50    Re-cap of 2013′s movie in the park.

6:55     Vanport Square – is the Portland development Commission looking at a developer’s project for the empty lot at MLK & Alberta – how can we as residents of King advocate for proposals that suit and benefit our neighborhood?

7:10     Greenscaping King Park: the depave/bioswale project at King School.

7:20    Changes to our NA by-laws: proposal and discussion.

7:40    Updates from committees (communications, Backpack, etc.)

7:55    New business

8:00    Adjourn


Portland Campaign to End the New Jim Crow: August events

Portland Campaign to End the New Jim Crow

Dedicated to building an inclusive grassroots movement to dismantle the New Jim Crow and its racist practices. These practices include mass incarceration, the school-to-prison pipeline, police brutality and the impoverishment of individuals and communities. This effort is led by a broad multi-racial, multi-cultural people and organizations including those most directly affected and their allies.

(facebook – New Jim Crow PDX)
(website –
(twitter – @newjimcrowpdx)
(email –

Tues. Aug. 6th , 6:30 – 8:30 pm – Race Talks 2: Trayvon Martin & “Respect My Gangsta” featuring Teressa Raiford. Jefferson High School Cafeteria, 5210 N. Kerby Ave., between Killingsworth & Alberta

Thurs, Aug. 8th , 5pm – General Meeting, Albina Ministerial Alliance Coalition for Justice and Police Reform. Allen Temple, 4236 NE 8th Ave @ Skidmore

Mon. Aug. 12th, 6 -7 pm – Keaton Otis Vigil – Monthly vigil to demand justice for an unarmed Black man killed by Portland police. NE Halsey/ NE 6th. On facebook – Justice for Keaton Otis

Tues. Aug. 13th , 7pm – Race Talks – “Micro-aggressions: Small things can hurt” Speakers: Cat Goughour, Katrina Brown. McMenamin’s Kennedy School, Gymnasium (5736 N.E. 33rd Ave.)

Wed. Aug. 14th , 6 – 9pm – Second Wednesday Parent Gathering- Portland Parent Union, in struggle against “school pushouts” and the school-to-prison-pipeline, sponsors a confidential parent gathering. Location TBA. Call 503-880-9145.

Sat. Aug. 17th , 11 – 1pm – Portland Campaign to End the New Jim Crow, general meeting PCC Cascade Student Center, Rm 204

Fri. Aug. 23rd , Dinner & Movie – “Fruitvale Station” (the story of police murder of Oscar Grant), Pastini Pastaria on Broadway, then Lloyd Center Mall Theaters — go to facebook event page – People Celebrating People & Portland Parent Union Gatherings. 503-880-9145

Sat. Aug. 24th , 10 am – 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, march from Terry Shrunk Plaza to rally at 1pm – Waterfront Park, sponsored by the Albina Ministerial Alliance for Justice and Police Reform. Co-sponsors include Urban League, NAACP, ACLU, EMO, OR AFL-CIO, Portland Campaign to End the New Jim Crow. For jobs, against police brutality, for education & healthcare.

Sat. Aug. 24th, 6 – 9pm Restorative Listening Dialog Circle – discussion of Trayvon Martin verdict and “Fruitvale Station”. Concordia University’s Library, 2900 NE Liberty St. Rm 120. Portland Parent Union. 503-880-9145