Race Talks: ‘Race and the Housing Crisis,’ at Kennedy School, 2/12


Please join us for the upcoming Race Talks program at
Kennedy School
5736 NE 33rd Ave., Portland.
Phone: 503.249-3983

Tuesday, February 12
Free/All Ages
7pm; Doors open at 6pm
**Come early to meet, network and eat dinner with friends.

“Race & The Housing Crisis”
A Presentation by

Ellen Rosenblum, State of Oregon Attorney General
Ron Silver, Civil Chief, US Attorney’s Office, State of Oregon
Jo Ann Hardesty, Board President, Coalition for a Livable Future

with Moderator, Cameron Whitten, former Portland Mayoral candidate and OCCUPY member
Following the presentation, the audience will break into small discussion groups to talk over the evening’s subject matter and more general topics of race and ethnicity. These discussion groups are facilitated by trained volunteers from Uniting to Understand Racism
http://www.understandracism.org/ and the City of Portland Intergroup Dialogue Program http://www.portlandonline.com/humanrelations/?c=54183

Please share this message and poster (click image to view large version) with to any group, business, school, class, and individual you feel might be interested. If you have questions or suggestions about the upcoming program (or the series in general), please contact us at the email addresses given below. And remember, Race Talks T-shirts are available for purchase at the program for $20; and there will be prizes raffled to raise funds for Race Talks.

Finally, please mark Tuesday, March 12 on your calendar for next month’s Race Talks: “Hate Crimes in Oregon”


Donna Maxey,
Race Talks Director/UUR volunteer

Tim Hills,
McMenamins historian

Police response to local concerns

During the latest KNA meeting in January, concerns were voiced over safety in specific areas of our neighborhood.  There was a police representative present at the meeting, and the Portland Police have taken specific action in response to those concerns.  The KNA would like to thank the Portland Police and share with the community the update that we have received.


To the KNA:

I wanted to provide you all with an update regarding the property located at 432 NE Simpson St.  This house was a topic of discussion at the last general meeting.  Early in the morning on Tuesday, January 15th officers from the North Precinct Neighborhood Response Team assisted with an effort to forcibly evict some “squatters” who had been trespassing on the property.  The police department was called upon by the person who owns that property to aid in clearing the house.  That property had been in a state of foreclosure for a period of time.  It is back in the owners possession and that individual intends to take responsibility for securing and maintaining the house.  Two people were arrested during the premise clear.


Currently we have a signed trespass agreement with the property owner which means he has given the police bureau authority to arrest anyone who remains unlawfully on that property or the empty lot next door.  The notice of trespass authority has been posted in the window and signs stating “No Trespassing” have been attached to the house.  The property was temporarily boarded up.  The house is in a state of disrepair and it is now vacant.  No one should be living in the house or remaining on the site for any reason without the owner’s consent.  The police will be conducting extra patrols in that area for a while.  I would ask those people in the neighborhood to help us keep watch over the property until the owner begins the process of renovation.  If you see any suspicious activity or if you observe people coming and going from the house and you believe they are there illegally then I would advise you to call the police non-emergency dispatch number 503-823-3333.


Thank you all for your cooperation and input.  We hope the owner will move quickly to begin cleaning up the property.  This notice is public information and you are free to share it with the rest of the neighborhood association.


Ofc Ryan Bren

North Precinct – Patrol

Afternoon shift

Architectural Heritage Center Hosts Free Open House – Feb 2, 2013

The public is invited to attend the Architectural Heritage Center’s library open house. This is a rare opportunity to have free access to the AHC library and get a peak into the closed archives. 

Learn about great research resources available for your family, neighborhood, business or organization. Staff and volunteers will be on hand to answer your questions and share library resources.

Architectural Heritage Center
Library Open House
February 2, 2013
10:00 am to 3:00 pm

More information: http://www.visitahc.org/content/special-events
Phone: 503-231-7264
Email: val@visitahc.org


Marijuana Town Hall with Congressman Blumenauer, Sunday 1/27, at Dishman CC

Marijuana_Leaf_v2_REQUEST_by_Holly6669666Marijuana Policy Project To Host Oregon Town Hall with Congressman Blumenauer
Free, public event will look at pathways to effective marijuana regulation in Oregon
Portland, Ore. – The Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), the nation’s leading advocacy organization dedicated to reforming state and federal marijuana law, will be hosting a free, public town hall meeting on Sunday, January 27, 2013 from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Matt Dishman Community Center in Portland.
The town hall, entitled “Marijuana: Setting a Path Toward Regulation in Oregon” will feature special remarks from U.S. Representative Earl Blumenauer (D-OR).
“The advances that we have seen in sensible drug policy reform from voter initiatives and state legislatures throughout the country, have gained indisputable momentum over the past months,” said Blumenauer. “The entire landscape is shifting, and conversations like those being hosted by the Marijuana Policy Project are crucial in leading the way to a future where Congress will enact sensible and necessary reform on the national level.”
The panel, which will be moderated by MPP’s Oregon representative Roy Kaufmann, will also feature insights and comments from Steve Fox, MPP’s Director of Government Relations and the key architect of the successful 2012 Colorado Amendment 64 campaign, which won with 55 percent of the vote.
“I am looking forward to sharing the stage with Congressman Blumenauer, who is committed to reforming our nation’s marijuana laws,” said Fox. “Following our historic victory in Colorado last November, MPP is excited about the prospect of passing initiatives to regulate marijuana like alcohol in a number of other states and we believe the voters of Oregon will support such a measure in the near future. This forum will be an opportunity for interested individuals and organizations from across Oregon to engage in a thoughtful discussion about this plan.”
For more information, contact Roy Kaufmann at Oregon@mpp.org.

Valentine’s Fest @ Whole Foods, February 7th – a benefit for the NE Backpack Lunch Program


Valentine’s Fest 2013:

Feed your Sweeties!


Benefit for the Northeast Backpack Lunch Program

Thursday, February 7th 4-7pm. $10 per guest, children under 12 eat free!

Whether they’re kids or adults, we know you have a valentine in your life! Join us for this fun tasting event. We invite you to wind your way through the store with your Valentine’s Punch Card and enjoy your meal. There will be sweets, there will be savories, and we hope there will be a smile on your face when you’re through! 100% of the proceeds will benefit the Northeast Backpack Lunch Program, which provides lunches to school children at four area schools (Woodlawn, Tina Clegg, Harvey Scott, and King) who are on free or reduced-price lunch programs. With this program, they are assured of at least two meals over the weekend. Please RSVP with the number in your party to erin.rosvold@wholefoods.com so we can ensure enough food for everyone.  Happening at Whole Foods Market on Fremont 3535 NE 15th Ave, PDX .
