Thank you to NECN for sponsorship of the King Backpack Program.

For many Portland children, the federally-sponsored school lunch is their main source for a nutritious, satisfying meal during the day. If there’s not enough food in the house, these children can go hungry on the weekend when the school lunch isn’t available.

Backpack Lunch volunteers pack two weekend lunches each Friday into the backpacks of Portland schoolchildren at risk of hunger on the weekend. We invite you to help us sustain and expand our ability to feed hungry schoolchildren in our midst.

Thank you to the Board of the Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods for accepting the King Backpack Program as a fiscally-sponsored project, and to the staff of the Coalition for their help in structuring the program successfully.

The Backpack Lunch Program is an all volunteer program — there are no paid staff. If you wish to make a monetary donation, make check out to NECN-KNA. Please write “Backpack Donation” on the check and mail to King NA, 4815 NE 7th Avenue, Portland, 97212. $100 sponsors a school-year of weekend lunches for one child. Each donation, regardless of amount, is important.





Tannenbaum Madness on Alberta Street!

Tannenbaum Madness:
Join us on Alberta Street this holiday season!

Tannenbaum Madness is a season long walking tour of whimsical, wacky and sometimes-weird window displays created by Alberta Street’s local, independent retailers and an atmosphere created by our community.

Tannenbaum Madness opens on the day after Thanksgiving (Nov 23rd) and continues throughout the season. Incorporated into the festivities is Shop Local Shop Late, where many Alberta retailers will remain open until 7PM on Fridays between Thanksgiving and Christmas just for YOU! Please support your local independent businesses this holiday season.

Opening Night (Fri., Nov. 23rd) will include celebrations from 4-8PM. The street will be aglow with festive lights, music, gallery openings, restaurants serving some of the best food in town, and a little of the usual madness. All are welcome to come out and join the fun — grab some friends and carol your way up the street, enjoy a hot beverage, get a start on your holiday shopping, and bring the kids for crafty DIY ornament-making with Art on Alberta at Umpqua Bank. We are actively looking for carolers, wacky Santas, mischievous elves and more. If you would like to join the madness, visit:

New this year, we hope you’ll join us for the Alberta Street Christmas Treet Lighting on Sat. Dec 1st at 4:30PM. Check for the latest updates. Festive events will continue throughout November and December. Walking maps and additional events will be regularly added to our website as they become available!

Participating businesses include: abrahams&duffy | Alberta Main Street | antler gallery & store | Backtalk | Bin 21 | Bristlecone | Community Cycling Center | Flywheel Skate & Style | Frock | Garnish | Grasshopper | Green Bean Books | Guardino Gallery | Local Discoveries | Mimosa Studios | Modern Domestic | pedX | Random Order Pie Bar | RED SAIL | Redbird Studio | Salt & Straw | Screaming Sky Gallery | Six Days Art Co-op | Suite 6 Boutique | The Make House | The Pencil Test | The Shoe Store | The Waffle Window | Tumbleweed | Umpqua Bank Alberta/Art on Alberta

Does the OLCC consider community input when granting liquor sales licenses?

KNA member Rick Sills has been attending meetings of the Oregon Liquor Control Commission, as it weighs liquor license, in Rick’s role as King neighborhood representative to the Safety and Livability Team at the Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods.

In response to OLCC’s granting of a liquor license to a convenience mart in close proximity to the Beverly Cleary School, Rick writes:

Beverly Cleary School (BCS) is a second-grade through eighth-grade public grade school located in the Grant Park neighborhood (GPN) at 1915 N.E. 33rd Ave.; about seven hundred children currently attend BCS.

Recently some of our GPN neighbors have documented with photographs longstanding alcohol-related problems within 500 feet of Beverly Cleary School.

On the morning of October 25, 2012, two GPN neighbors went to an OLCC hearing and presented these (and other) pictures and testimony to the five-member OLCC Board of Commissioners in opposition to the OLCC license application denominated “Jacksons #562”.  Jacksons #562 involved an application for an OLCC license for a proposed “Jackson’s Market convenience store” to be located at the northwest corner of the intersection of N.E. 33rd and N.E. Broadway, within 500 feet of Beverly Cleary School. Continue reading

King Thanksgiving Harvest Market November 18th

From Portland Farmers Market:

Join us at the King Market location on November 18, where vendors will reunite for a special Thanksgiving Harvest Market.

Come rain or shine to fill your market basket with seasonal delights like winter squash, Brussels sprouts, potatoes, cranberries, wild mushrooms, fresh eggs, apples, pears, artisan cheeses, baked goods, pickles and preserves, pastured meats, Oregon wines and floral arrangements from LOCAL FARMERS & FOOD ARTISANS, including:

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Phaedra’s Love, by Sarah Kane, at Portland Playhouse, this weekend & next.

Phaedra’s Love
By Sarah Kane
Directed by Jennifer Rowe

Theseus, the man of the people, is at war. The people are suffering in poverty. The poverty is turning the people towards violence. The violence has corrupted the city. The city is crumbling, thousands of jobs are gone – but none of this matters because it’s a royal’s birthday!
A concentrated, contemporary late-night Grecian tale of Phaedra’s doomed love for her stepson, Hippolytus.

November 9, 10, 16, 17
Portland Playhouse, 602 NE Prescott
$10 @ 10pm
Cash/Check at the door

For inquiries please contact