Safety & Livability Update for our ‘hood.

Celeste Carey, neighborhood crime prevention specialist for King and surrounded n’hoods, writes us:  “Starting in September, I will present the concept of Livability Teams to Neighborhood Associations, Neighborhood Watches and Foot Patrols, informal neighbor groups and the NECN Safety & Livability Team. Community members will organize to report and remove graffiti, remove litter, observe and report other issues in the area related to crime, safety and livability. Teams can volunteer for projects, for a few hours, for specific tasks, and supervised youth are welcome too. Stay tuned, or if you’re really interested, call me, your friendly neighborhood Crime Prevention Coordinator, for more information at 503-823-4764.”

The city’s 2012 Gun Turn-in will be next Saturday, August 18th, from 10 am to 2 pm, at Memorial Coliseum. The reward for a turned-in gun is a gift certificate to Fred Meyer. For more info, get in touch with the Ceasefire Oregon Education Foundation at 503-220-1669.

Do you know a corner that needs a streetlight? Here’s how you can get the city to install one – Neighbors are required to ante up $500 to help pay for the light, and form a neighborhood watch.

At this past Wednesday’s King NA meeting, we voted to write a letter to the manager of the MLK Safeway, asking for vigilance on the part of store staff in keeping the parking lot and surrounding grounds clean. If you have ideas about how we can keep our neighborhood clean, and partners who can help us do it, please let us know.

In case you didn’t catch this, here’s a video of the M.O.M.S. walkers coming across a police stop of youth in an automobile, along MLK, as filmed by a member of Portland Copwatch.


KNA meeting agenda, for this Wednesday evening, & upcoming events

Here’s what King NA will be talking about on this Wednesday evening:


  • Crime, safety, and policing in our neighborhood
  • Enrollment balancing and school reconfiguration and possible closings – Trace Salmon, King School PTA
  • KNA elections (in September), by-laws, and decision-making process
  • A request for sponsorship of the MLK Loaves & Fishes jambalaya fundraiser in September
  • Continued groundskeeping work at the King Facility
  • Neighborhood events! KNA’s movie in the park; the Two Plum Park potluck; and the Block Party at 10th & Mason

We meet at NECN’s office, 4815 NE 7th, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm.


Events of note, coming up this month:

— August 7: National Night Out.

— August 11: Alberta Street Fair.

— August 12: Salad potluck at Two Plum Park, beginning at 4 pm.

— August 18: Vernon’s Movie in the Park at Alberta Park – “Super Eight.”

— August 20: NECN’s land use and safety/livability committees host a joint meeting on Coal export terminals in the PNW, from 6:30 to 8.

— August 23: Outside taco dinner sale at Whole Foods, 15th & Fremont, from 5-7 pm. Proceeds benefit the Northeast Backpack Lunch Program.

— August 24: ReRun’s movie in the parking lot, at dusk.

— August 25; Block Party at 10th & Mason.


See you Wednesday eve!

Wanted: Community members for Metro review committee

Metro is seeking volunteers to serve on the agency’s new Public Engagement Review Committee (PERC). The committee will meet twice a year and serve as a key component of Metro’s ongoing efforts to develop and implement successful public engagement processes.

The PERC will include at least three at-large community members along with three individuals from local community organizations, either staff or board members. The committee will also include a public involvement staff member from each of the three metropolitan counties, Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington.

In selecting PERC members, the Metro Council will seek a mix of members that demonstrate:
• a commitment to community involvement
• skills, knowledge or experience that support the public engagement principles adopted by Metro
• an ability to represent the geographic and demographic diversity of the region.

The deadline for applications is 5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 24, 2012. For more information, visit

The PERC is part of a multi-track strategy to ensure that Metro’s public involvement is effective, reaches diverse audiences and harnesses emerging best practices. In addition to the committee, Metro will convene public involvement peer group learning sessions, hold an annual stakeholder summit, conduct online surveys and develop an annual report of Metro’s public involvement practices.

The updated public engagement review process was adopted by the Metro Council in May following a two-year process to replace the Metro Committee for Citizen Involvement that previously oversaw the agency’s public engagement activity.

Metro, the regional government, crosses city limits and county lines to build a resilient economy, keep nature close by and respond to a changing climate. Representing a diverse population of 1.5 million people in 25 cities and three counties, Metro’s directly elected council gives voters a voice in decisions about how the region grows and communities prosper.

Monthly Collective Cooking Group at St. Andrew

via Kitchen Commons:

King Neighbors: Let’s Get Cooking!

Join a FREE monthly Collective Cooking Group
Every Second Wednesday, 6:00 -8:30 p.m. April through December
St. Andrew Church, 806 NE Alberta St.

In the community center (enter through the parking lot on NE 9 th)
Save time, stretch grocery dollars and share recipes. Create new, affordable, and
versatile dishes while building friendships and skills. Engage the family!
Kids cooking activities will take place each session.

• Free to register: Funded by Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods
• Flexible attendance: Come for one month or all sessions.
• All levels welcome: Beginners to experienced chefs

RSVP by a week before each monthly session to reserve a spot:

The King Cooking Group is facilitated and organized by Kitchen Commons. Kitchen Commons matches kitchen resources with community needs, making it affordable and practical to cook healthy food, putting the dream of a food business in reach of low-income entrepreneurs, and promoting food justice. For more information or to get involved, visit

Summer events (not including a July KNA meeting)!

Hi all,

Welcome to summer! I hope it’s a lovely one for all. King NA is not meeting in July; we’ll reconvene in August, on Wednesday the 8th, in our usual grand quarters.

Coming up, though, are lots of interesting events in the neighborhood. Here’s a rundown of some that we know of:

Thurs, July 12, 5:30-7:30pm: Community Warehouse Awareness Event: 3969 NE MLK Jr. Blvd, Portland. There will be several social service agencies there to talk about who they are, what they do & how you might volunteer to support them. They have invited World Affairs Council, Portland Business Alliance, Net Impact, Urban League, Latino Network and NAYA – all the young adult groups.


Sun, July 15 – King Farmers Market Urban Homesteading Fair. This new urban homesteading information fair was created for shoppers to ask questions and learn more from specialists on the subjects of home gardening, beekeeping, urban chickens, wild foods, food preservation, DIY home/personal care, etc.


Wed, July 18 , Swapalooza (Swap Meet & Dance) – at Quaking Grass, at 9th & Alberta. Bring whatever you’d like to trade & lay it out for all to see! Dance afterward. More info at the QG calendar:


Sat, July 21 – Flash Gordon! ReRun will show the movie Flash Gordon at sundown, in its parking lot, at 7th & NE Fremont.


Thur, July 26 – Last Thursday on Alberta Street. Come for the fun, and stay for the chaos. Friends of Last Thursday seeks volunteers to help ‘manage’ the event.


Sat, July 28 – Emerson Street Garden Summer Celebration.


Sun, August 5 –  The North/Northeast Business Association (NNEBA) will host the MLK Dream Run/Walk aimed at promoting economic development in the Soul District of North/Northeast Portland, Oregon on Sunday August 5, 2012. More info:


Sat, Aug 11 – Alberta Street Fair, hosted by Alberta Main Street.


Sun, Aug 12 – The neighbors of Two Plum Park are planning to host a potluck in the park, in the late afternoon. All are welcome; more information to come!


Sat, Aug 25 – The neighbors at 10th & Mason are holding a block party, with music and a movie. Stop by Charlie’s community board at 10th & NE Mason for more information.


Sat, Aug 25 – Emerson Street Garden class on canning and preserving.


Do you have other events we should know about? Let us know at  info@ We’ll also be scheduling some fundraising events for the Northeast Backpack Lunch Program – please let us know if you’d like to help. Thanks, all!