Taking the Pulse of our Immigrant Communities

Host: Leadership Fellows Alumni Association featuring panelist from IRCO, I-SOS, and Catholic Charities

Thursday, June 7 from 4:30-6:30 pm

Portland State University’s Urban Center- 2nd floor gallery, 506 SW Mill Street Portland, OR 97201

Join us as we hear about and discuss the pressing concerns and needs of our growing and diverse communities.  IRCO’s Lee Po Cha- Asian Family Center and Djimet Dogo-Africa House along with the Islamic Social Services of Oregon State’s Laila Hajoo and Catholic Charities El Programa Hispano’s Linda Castillo will share critical stories as they work to meet community needs and look to mobilize resources for the common good.

This event opens at 4:15pm; the panel discussion will begin at 4:30pm.  This event is free to the public, but donations are appreciated and can be made at the event.  Proceeds go toward building the Leadership Fellows Alumni Association for the continued cultivation of leadership in communities of color.


June’s KNA meeting agenda.

King Neighborhood Association Board Meeting – draft agenda

King Neighborhood Facility, 4815 NE 7th Avenue

June 13, 2012 – 6:30 to 8:00 pm

6:30     Welcome & introductions, agenda, announcements, meeting minutes.
6:40     Update from the Portland Police Bureau.

6:45     Update from the Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods (NECN).

6:50     KNA tasks & projects:

7-11; communications funds; Portland Playhouse & parking;  Soil to Soul’s Backpack campaign; Movie in the Park; summer potluck picnic; KNA needs a secretary to keep minutes & records.

7:30     KNA by-laws; NA structure.

Portland Farmers Market Urban Homesteading Skill Share, at the King Market

Portland Farmers Market seeks neighborhood experts to join us for a one-day urban homesteading fair at the Sunday King Market.


The fair will take place on July 15th from 10:00am – 2:00pm at the King Market, located in the parking lot of King Elementary School at NE 7th and Wygant.


The Market seeks community members to staff resource booths to answer shopper’s questions and execute simple demonstrations or activities that illustrate different areas of urban homesteading. The goal of the event is to educate urbanites about how they can become more self-sufficient in the realm of home arts. Expert staffers can be self-taught or sanctioned, local business owners, or simply individuals passionate about sharing skills with the public.


Community members are still being sought to staff booths in the following areas of focus:

* Food preservation

* DIY baby food

* Animal husbandry for city dwellers (goats, bees, chickens)

* DIY personal care products (make your own shampoo, toothpaste,

laundry soap, deodorant, etc.)

* Simple bike repair/inspection

* Creative ways to stock the home pantry

* Creative reuse (i.e. making reusable tote bags from old t-shirts)


If you are interested in sharing your talents with your neighbors or have other partnership ideas, please contact Anna Curtin at anna@portlandfarmersmarket.org or call (503)241-0032.

King School to Host Second Round-Up May 31st

King School will host an informational open-house for parents of incoming students and prospective students as well as anyone else who would like to learn more about the school such as parents of pre-school age children.  Set aside time on your calendar on May 31st at 6pm to get your questions answered.   For parents not currently enrolled in Portland Public Schools or unfamiliar with King’s program, this will be an important opportunity to get up to speed about all the changes such as:

  • King is currently an International Baccalaureate school.  The elementary grades, prekindergarten through 5th are authorized by the International Baccalaureate Organization while the middle school grades 6-8 are finishing up the authorization process.  IB is an interdisciplinary, globally focused approach to education that “help develop the intellectual, personal, emotional and social skills to live, learn and work in a rapidly globalizing world.”
  • King is in its second year of a federal school improvement grant that is funding a transformation effort at the school.  Oversight from the State of Oregon will ensure that “the new principal has the experience and skills needed to implement successfully a transformation model; implements a rigorous staff evaluation and development system; institutes comprehensive instructional reform; increases learning time and applies community-oriented school strategies; and provides greater operational flexibility and support for the school.”
  • The President’s Council on the Arts and Humanities selected King as one of eight schools nationally to participate in its Turnaround Arts Initiative, a program that recognizes King’s commitment to arts education as part of a holistic approach to education, reinvigorating the school, and improving overall achievement.
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Resilience: Community Disaster Preparation workshop at King School, June 2nd

About Resilience

Resilience PDX is an event to connect Portlanders who want to acquire or share knowledge and skills about disaster preparedness. Geologists suggest we are due for a major earthquake in this region, and better preparedness can save lives and minimize impacts of a disaster. The more we are prepared, the faster we will be able to recover and return to ‘normalcy’. At this event, we will showcase the various groups around Portland that can serve as resources for the community before, during, and after a major emergency. There will also be a number of skills workshops, where experts will share knowledge to help you prepare for and recover from a disaster. All for free! Come learn and get connected. The final schedule will be posted by the end of May.

The following workshops will be offered:

  • Earthquake-Proofing your Home
  • Preparing a Comprehensive Household Kit
  • Food Storage/Preservation
  • Clean and Potable Water
  • Home Energy
  • Managing Pee and Poop
  • Individual Resilience
  • Organizing your Neighbors
  • Bicycle Cargo Demonstration
  • Social Media and Other Technologies in Disasters
  • Putting Out Fires

The expected attendees include : Multnomah County Emergency Management, City of Portland Bureau of Emergency Management, Multnomah County Environmental Health, Earthquake Tech, Seismic NW, Oregon Red Cross, Oregon Food Bank, PREP, PHLUSH, Cloacina, Terra Firma, Portland Preparedness Center, Metrofiets, Portland Parks, Trackers Earth, PortlandNET, Betsy Shand, and more!

Who is Behind This?

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