ICTC’s Women Birth Wonders fundraiser this Saturday.

International Center For Traditional Childbearing (on MLK) is hosting “Women Birth Wonders” a silent auction fundraising event, for ages 21+ and a woman only event – this Saturday evening!  Tell us a story about a wondrous woman in your life. Listen to others, mingle, eat, drink and laugh, and maybe even some dancing.  A sisterhood for all women of the world. $20.00 per ticket; enjoy wine, hors d’oeuvres and dessert, plus great music.

Visit www.ictcmidwives.org to purchase a ticket. ICTC is located at 3821 NE MLK Boulevard.

ICTC has free baby clothes to give, doula birth companion services, Celebrate
Your Pregnancy Day of fun, hot birth topics and fun, as a culturally
specific group for African American women to share concerns while
pregnant.  Child birth classes and breastfeeding support groups. The ICTC
Pregnancy and Family Resource is a healing space for pregnant women and
new parents.

White Out? The Future of Racial Diversity in Oregon

The Portland Playhouse is pleased to host this Conversation Project from Oregon Humanities!

White Out? The Future of Racial Diversity in Oregon
From the Oregon Humanities Conversation Project
Saturday, April 28th, 1:30 – 3:00pm
At Portland Playhouse 602 NE Prescott St., Portland OR, 97211

Willamette University professor Emily Drew will lead participants in a conversation about the challenges to creating racially diverse, inclusive communities, despite the accomplishments since the civil rights era. What does the racial integration of place require of us, and how might we prepare to create and meet this opportunity?
Click for full program description

Free and open to the public!

Old Town Pizza Grand Reopening Party – Thursday, 5-7 pm

Old Town Pizza, on NE MLK Blvd., was set to launch its 7 barrel brewery in mid-March, however a fire two days before the event caused the restaurant to close immediately. On Thursday April 26, Old Town Pizza will officially reopen.
Out of business for more than six weeks and with over $300,000 in repairs completed, Old Town Pizza will now be able showcase their newly crafted beers. To the rescue were two local businesses while Old Town was down. Rock Bottom Brewery shared their space with Head Brewer, Scott Guckel, to develop a collaborative S.T.E.A.M beer that is now available at both locations. Aviary Restaurant kindly hosted a benefit dinner paired with Old Town Brewing Company’s new craft beers.
Old Town Pizza is welcoming the neighborhood to join their staff for free appetizers from 5-7pm on Thursday, April 26. On tap will be the brewery’s Pale Ale, IPA, American Wheat, Stout, Irish Red, Winter Ale, S.T.E.A.M., and Porter.
Established in 1974 with the opening of its original landmark location in Old Town’s Merchant Hotel building, Old Town Pizza is a Portland legend known for its incredible pizza, cozy atmosphere and bustling happy hours. With two locations and a brewery, the restaurant has garnered attention from shows like Rachael Ray’s Tasty Travels, The Tonight Show, and The Travel Channel. “An icon, a must, something to check off your To Experience Before You Die list,” says Portland Picks.

Upcoming Youth Forum for Social Change at the Kennedy School: April 28th.

April 28th, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
McMenamin’s Kennedy School Community Room
5736 NE 33rd Avenue
Community Outreach of Our United Villages is sponsoring a Youth Forum for Social Change where youth can come together to share their hopes, dreams and ideas for the future.
As the next generation, youth lead the way in shaping the communities that we all will live in. The Forum will be an exciting chance for youth to exchange ideas and brainstorm actions to create social change.  We’ll watch thought-provoking videos, engage in lively discussion, and share diverse perspectives on creating a world that works for all.  Our hope is that youth will leave feeling inspired and empowered to be the change they wish to see in the world!
No RSVP is required; however, if you wish to let us know you are interested, please register online or give us a call at 503.546.7499.  Refreshments and food will be served.  Childcare (under 9), transportation and interpretation are available upon request.