In this week’s Oregonian story on air pollution in NW Portland, this map of relative air quality was included. It is notable for the dark area in the center of King showing a higher concentration of pollutants. The number one contributor is listed as wood burning followed by the catch-all “area” category which includes: business and home fuel use, commercial cooking,
fuel storage and asphalt application. Is there more we could be doing?
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Help fight the expansion of 7-11 into King.
Occupy St. John’s passes along this information about putting pressure on 7-11:
7 Eleven Corporate Office
Phone: 972-828-7011
Here are some of the management at the corporate office you could ask for.
Joseph D Depinto, CEO; Masaaki Asakura, Executive VP; Darren Rebelez, Executive VP; Stanley W Reynolds, Executive VP; Carole Davidson, Senior VP; Alan Beach, Vice President; Krystin Mitchell, HR Executive; Brad Jenkins, Sales Exec; Rita Bargerhuff, Marketing
He is the Developer for 7 Eleven
Marc Clough, Development Director of 7-11
This OLCC form takes less than a minute to fill out:
Help fight their liquor license. Here is the ordinance you might want to reference:
471.313 Grounds for refusing to issue license
(1) That there are sufficient licensed premises in the locality…or that the granting of a license in the locality is not demanded by public interest or convenience.
License Not Demanded by Public Interest or Convenience
ORS 471.313(1) allow the Commission to deny a license that public interest or convenience does not demand
(1) Alcohol-related problems at other licensed premises:
(a) The applicant has had repeated problems at another license location during the two years preceding this application… problems with disturbances, unlawful activities or noise
(B) Include but not limited to public drunkenness, fights, altercations, harassment, unlawful drug sales, alcohol-related litter, trespassing on private property and public urination.
Here are the Commissioners of the OLCC’s emails. You can tell them directly about your concerns.
Want to talk to City Council about 7-11?
Lataya Dailey of Occupy St. Johns writes us:
I wanted to let you know that Occupy St. Johns has decided to have people speak at City Hall about our concerns with 7 Eleven. We will have people talking for then next few meetings. March 21st through April 4th, we have people going. It would be great to have people from other communities as well. If you are interested we have car pools you can join. You can email us at
The City Council meetings start at 9:30am on Wednesdays. March 21st is the first one we will be at, then the 28th and the 4th of April.
Here is the email for the clerk’s office: I believe this is the email you can send a request to speak at the City Hall meeting. You can hand deliver, fax or mail as well.
More information on addressing city council: Continue reading
Join us at the 1st Tiny Tots Egg Hunt at Two Plum Park, on Sunday, April 8th!
Summary of last night’s King NA meeting.
- The King NA congratulates the Portland Playhouse on winning its land use appeal to begin staging plays at 602 NE Prescott again, and will work with the Playhouse to ensure that patron parking is not disruptive to nearby neighbors of the Playhouse building.
- KNA’s board voted unanimously to oppose construction of a 7-11 store at the empty lot at MLK & NE Sumner. Residents near that lot agreed to help KNA take on opposing the building of the store, and a variety of approaches and possible allies were discussed. In particular, King NA will bring the issue to the Northeast Coalition of Neighborhood’s Land Use & Transportation Committee to draw on the expertise of its members and to seek alliance with other neighborhoods.
- The KNA voted to postpone board elections scheduled for May until September, while changes to the association’s by-laws are pondered.
- KNA voted to endorse a neighborhood egg hunt on April 8th at Two Plum Park, and to approve up to seventy-five dollars in expenditures.
- Van Bogner reported that plans for the planting of trees and plants at the King School grounds continues, with a planned planting day on Earth Day, April 22nd. A grant of $1500 for plants is in hand, and organizers will seek donations from Friends of Trees as well.
- Brian Weaver reported that the King Neighborhood clean-up is on track for May 19th, at the North Precinct parking lot. KNA approved $745 up-front expenditures, with expectations that most of this will be reimbursed by the city, and that the event will be profitable. No discussion of possible uses for profits from the event occured.
- KNA decided to forgo organizing a coördinated neighborhood garage sale this year.
- KNA will be holding a Soil to Soul food security planning/organizing meeting on March 31st, at 4:30 pm at the Tin Shed. This will be the kick-off of our plans to help facilitate food security efforts for our King neighbors.
- The NA has communications funds from the city, and will hold a session next week among board members to plan some communications and outreach efforts in the coming spring months.
Thanks to everyone who came with energy and ideas last night, as well as to mieke at Tula Bakery for nourishing us with goodies from the bakery. We appreciate everything that so many folks are doing for our neighborhood!