March 17th:
- Chicken Wing Tool Drive: Urban Farm Collective accepting donations of tools at its new Youth Education Garden, 9th & Alberta.
- Grant Writing Workshop for Women of Color, at June Key Delta Comm. Center.
- Occupy NE: “The Black Working Group” meets at Reflections, 2:30-4 pm.
March 20th: North Williams Transportation Safety Operations Project meeting.
March 21st: Portland/Multnomah Food Council’s Food Security listening session, N. Portland library.
March 22nd: Community Rights Movement workshop at Reflections, 7 – 9:30 pm.
March 24th: A Seniors Night Out: Kansas City style music. Urban League Multi-Cultural Senior Center, 5325 MLK, 6:30 – 9:30, free.
March 28th: Community Conversation: Race & Ethnic Relations in Portland, at East Portland Community Center.
March 29th: The Brother/Sister Plays: Part I begins at the Portland Playhouse.
March 31st:
- Garden Layout workshop at Emerson Street Garden
- Study group on “The New Jim Crow” at Reflections – 1st meeting, 11-noon.
- Model car building workshop and family fun day, Blazers Boys and girls Club, 1-4 pm.
- King NA’s Soil to Soul food security planning meeting, at the Tin Shed, 4:30 pm.
- PCRI benefit gala, Doubletree Hotel at Lloyd Center.
April 8th: KNA Easter egg hunt at Two Plum Park, 10:30 am, for youngsters five years old and younger!
April 11th: King Neighborhood Association meeting, 6:30 pm, 4815 NE 7th Avenue.
April 12th: next King PTA meeting.
April 14th: Second Saturday chat with Rep. Lew Frederick, 9-10 am at Reflections Coffeehouse.
April 21st: Alberta Main Street Clean-up, MLK to 33rd Avenue.
April 22nd: King school grounds planting day.
April 28th: Seeds & Starts workshop at Emerson Street Garden.
May 4th: King School PTA Auction, North Star Ballroom.
May 19th: King Neighborhood Clean-up: bring your refuse to us at the N. Precinct parking lot.
–Contact us for more information on any of these events – we’ll provide whatever info we can find!
Neighbors envisioning a local Black History Museum – meetings weekly, Saturday from 6-8 pm, Irvington Village, 420 NE Mason in the King room. More info, 503-288-2863 or 503-284-6017.
New liquor license applications: Africa Food Market, 4069 NE MLK; Carpacchio Trattoria, 3500 NE MLK; Brandini Pizza and Pasta, 3513 NE MLK; Cedo’s Café, 3901 NE MLK.
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