Alberta Main Street Earth Day Clean-up: April 21st!

Earth Day District Clean Up

Rain or shine on Sat Apr 21, 2012.


Community members: We need you!

Grab your family, friends & gloves and join us as we clean up Alberta Street from Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard to 33rd. New to the neighborhood? Come out and meet your neighbors! In keeping with the spirit of the neighborhood, this will be more than just a day of litter pick up and graffiti removal.  We will have prizes, and of course, there will be food. Volunteers are encouraged to participate as individuals or in teams—come in costume, if you like – it is Alberta Street after all!


To ensure we have enough food your pre-registration is helpful. Check in at 10 am at UMOJA/Lifeworks NW (4941 NE 17th Avenue – NE 17th Avenue & Alberta Street).

Can You Go Solar? Find Out Now

Solarize Northeast is a project of the Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods that helps homeowners to go solar by lowering the cost through bulk purchasing and free education on how to go about it.  Low-cost financing is available as well.

Installing solar is affordable and easy! Come learn how and why at one of the Free Community Introductory Workshops:

  • Sat 3/10 11AM-12:30PM Umpqua Bank, 1745 NE Alberta
  • Thurs 3/22 6PM-7:30PM NECN, 4815 NE 7th Ave.
  • Sat 4/14 11AM-12:30PM Umpqua Bank, 1745 NE Alberta
  • Thurs 4/19 6PM-7:30PM NECN, 4815 NE 7th Ave.

Register for the workshops or a free solar site assessment now at:

Click here for the postcard

Sabin CDC Meet & Greet coming up!

The Alberta Coöperative Grocery writes to tell us about the Sabin CDC Meet and Greet:
We at Alberta Cooperative Grocery have been working with the folks at Sabin CDC for quite some time now, most recently we partnered with them for our annual winter food drive.  Sabin is a community organization working towards supporting folks here in our community in Northeast Portland, and more specifically the Alberta area of Northeast Portland,with affordable housing, adult education, food and toy drives, and more.  They are hosting an event in March wherein everyone can come and talk with them about their upcoming events and plans.  From their
email, in their words:

Sabin CDC invites you to spend some time with us!

Please mark your calendars for March 8th from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm for
a meet and greet with Sabin’s board of Directors and Executive
Director.  Come find out about the two construction projects under way,
new partnerships that have been formed in 2012, exciting programming
coming to our renovated learning center, Alberta Street news, and fun
networking with community members.

Where: Helser’s on Alberta St., on the corner of 16th and Alberta
When: Thursday, March 8th, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Beer, wine, soft drinks, and appetizers will be provided.  We are
looking for an informal, great time with you and other community folks.
Remember to save this date and join us for a couple hours of fun!

Please feel free to contact Craig with any and all questions at (503)

Sabin CDC: Helping to Build Sustainable Neighborhoods

Kitchen Commons Seeks Cooking Group Leader for King Neighborhood

The Collective Cooking Group Leader will help to coordinate Kitchen Common’s collective cooking group pilot program in the King Neighborhood. The Leader will be responsible for facilitating the cooking group sessions (anticipated to occur monthly from April through December) and will also participate in planning and evaluation for the program.

This leadership position will directly contribute to Kitchen Common’s collective cooking group model, an initiative funded by the Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods to support communities as they save money on food, share skills with neighbors, prepare favorite recipes, and share meals. Through these monthly gatherings, the cooking group participants will save time and grocery dollars by cooking a lot of food to share, gaining new cooking skills, nutrition awareness, and friends in the process. To learn more about this initiative, please visit or call us at 503-956-0672. For more details about this leadership role and to apply for the position of Cooking Group Leader, please visit

NECN/Concordia candidate forums for mayor, city council – Feb 28th & March 22nd.


Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods and Concordia University Co-Host Two Mayoral and City Council Candidates Forums



The first event will focus on community livability issues such as jobs, transportation, safety and other necessities for thriving, healthy communities for all. The second will focus on a range of education issues, from Pre-K through to Higher Education.

What are the issues that matter to you? At the forums, community members will be invited to share their own questions and concerns.  Questions that are not addressed on the spot will be compiled and given to the candidates with a request to provide written responses. All responses will be shared with the public. Please join us to share what matters to you and to show that North/Northeast Portland Votes!

When: Tuesday, February 28th 7pm to 9pm: Community Livability Focus

Thursday, March 22nd, 7pm to 9pm:  Education Focus

The doors open at 6:30pm for both events


Who: Mayoral Candidates:   Eileen Brady, Jefferson Smith, Charlie Hales

Council Candidates:    Amanda Fritz, Mary Nolan, Steve Novick, Teressa Raiford, Mark White, Jeri Williams

Moderator:                 Mr. Carl Talton


Where: February 28th:  2nd floor of the Hagen Campus Center, Concordia University, 2811 NE Holman, Portland, OR

March 22nd: Lobby of the George R. White Library & Learning  Center, Concordia University


Note: The King NA formally requested that NECN invite all candidates to participate in its forums; NECN declined to do so. King NA then requested informally that NECN invite all candidates to at least attend the forums, so that residents in our neighborhoods could meet them.