‘Interrupting Racism’ workshop at Resolutions NW.

Interrupting Racism for Everyday Living

Saturday, February 11, 2012

8:30am – 12:30pm

Location: Resolutions Northwest, 1827 NE 44th Ave. Suite 300, Portland OR 97213

This interactive actionshop will explore what it means to be an ally and tools for interrupting racism.  Participants will practice-practice-practice!

This workshop is being offered on a sliding scale basis; see our website registration page for more detailed information.  Space is available for 6 – 26 people; 1st come, 1st serve. Please register at www.resolutionsnorthwest.org.

No mediation experience required; no one will be turned away for lack of funds. For accessibility information, please contact us.

Please also note other Resolutions Northwest upcoming trainings:

Lew Frederick on the 1% and Martin Luther King Jr.

Listen carefully and you will hear the 1% taking power

The following is part of a speech made by Rep. Frederick at the 27th Keep Living the Dream Celebration for Dr. King at Highland Church.

Good afternoon, I’m Lew Frederick, State Representative from House District 43, North and Northeast Portland.

I think this holiday is one that many people think they understand very well, after all, it is of relatively recent origin. And Dr. King is a hero of my lifetime, not of the deep past. I grew up with him as the father of my playmates. But the holiday is also poorly understood, because the history of Dr. King’s legacy and that of the Civil Rights movement have been stripped of much of their nuance, sophistication and complication over the years.

Dr. King’s final book, Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community? is not referenced very often when folks are finding meaningful quotes for our annual speeches. In it, we see how his ministry had expanded, how his leadership on civil rights, or let’s say “human” rights, though grounded in the racial struggles of the time, was clear in its purpose of addressing oppression in its many manifestations. He made a compelling argument, in 1967, for a guaranteed income. He wrote:

The contemporary tendency in our society is to base our distribution on scarcity, which has vanished, and to compress our abundance into the overfed mouths of the middle and upper classes until they gag with superfluity. If democracy is to have breadth of meaning, it is necessary to adjust this inequity. It is not only moral, but it is also intelligent. We are wasting and degrading human life by clinging to archaic thinking.

Read the rest at BlueOregon.

Is Your 2012 New Year’s Resolution to Learn Spanish?

From TierraCenter:

Learning a new language is one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions, perhaps because achieving this particular goal makes it possible to meet so many other goals in life. Whether you want to travel abroad with greater ease and understanding, advance your career, or enrich and expand your universe, learning a new language can also be one of the easier goals to attain.

With the increasing need for Spanish in today’s society, there exist many methods and opportunities to help you reach this goal. Popular at-home methods such as online programs can be useful tools to introduce and reinforce vocabulary and basic grammar, but they don’t offer opportunities to practice speaking and to receive feedback or ask questions. The numerous Spanish conversation clubs or language exchanges around town provide speaking practice, but again, do not offer feedback from knowledgeable teachers who are trained to explain why you should use “ser” instead of “estar,” for example.

We have found that the most effective and efficient way to really learn a new language is through professionally guided instruction and practice within a small group of language learners who are near the same level.
This is precisely what makes Tierra Educational Center in NE Portland an excellent choice for your Spanish study goals; Tierra provides a safe and encouraging environment for students to use Spanish to interact with their peers while being thoughtfully corrected by highly skilled teachers.

So if you really want to meet your New Year’s resolution to learn Spanish in 2012, enrolling in one of Tierra’s small group classes is the best way to start the year off on the right track. And, it’s always easier to keep your resolution if you have a resolution-buddy, so consider asking a friend to join you in your pursuit to learn Spanish.
Visit www.tierracenter.com for details, or call 503-213-3677.

Feliz Año Nuevo y buena suerte!

NECN’s next Community Economic Development forum, at St. Andrew on February 1st

The Community Economic Development Council
of the
Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods
A Framework for Community Economic Development
in N/NE Portland

Learn how current state, regional and city policies shape neighborhood-level community economic development. Panelists will address how high-level policies translate into community benefits. Speakers will include representatives from state, regional, city and community perspectives. Q&A will follow panel presentations.

Wednesday, February 1st, from 7 – 9pm (6:30 schmooze & snacks)
St. Andrews Church, 806 NE Alberta, Portland, OR

This event is part of an ongoing speaker series. The series kicked-off November 1st with a highly successful event where over 100 people heard about the history of economic development in inner N/NE Portland.  Upcoming on April 3rd, we will bring together representatives from a variety of organizations addressing current resources for housing, food, transportation and all of the other components of an economically healthy community.   We will also be holding a workshop style event to gather information directly from community members about each of our own contributions and how we can share all share resources and strengthen our communities. For more information about the series, visit necoalition.org or call 503.823.4575.