Farmer’s Market to Open–Canvassers Wanted

Portland Farmer's Market

Portland Farmer's Market

Help spread the word about our neighborhood’s newest addition and insure its success. We plan to distribute flyers throughout the area to notify everyone of this resource. If would like to get some exercise and meet some of you neighbors, contact John at : to sign up! We will meet 10:00 am on Saturday, April 25th at the King Neighborhood Facility, 4815 NE 7th avenue.

2 thoughts on “Farmer’s Market to Open–Canvassers Wanted

  1. My wife and I live in Woodlawn and are extremely happy about the farmers market BUT the hours are really not condusive to our attendance because of our church schedule…. Is there any possibility to extend hours to 3 pm????

  2. Stephen – This is a concern that has been brought up multiple times. From what I’ve heard it’s been said that there is not enough people showing up in the last hour to make an extra hour seem worth the time for the vendors. One could also say that perhaps more people would show up if there was an extra hour added. I’d recommend contacting the Portland Famer’s Markets, which runs the market, with your concerns.
    Link goes to their contact information.

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