From NECN:
If you haven’t already, please consider signing up for a home energy performance audit with Energize Northeast. This collaboration between NECN, Neil Kelly and Umpqua Bank will make it easy for you to enjoy greater home energy efficiency and save money. Registration only take a few minutes at After you register, you will receive a call from Neil Kelly to schedule a home energy audit. This comprehensive audit takes several hours and is valued at $500. However, with a $150 rebate from the Energy Trust of Oregon, Neil Kelly is offering the home energy audit free to the homeowner. Additionally, for every home energy audit completed through Energize Northeast, Neil Kelly has generously agreed to donate $150 to NECN to help further community programs such as Neighborhood Small Grants.
Not sure you are ready for a home energy audit? Attend a free workshop to learn more first.
Energize Northeast workshops:
Saturday, October 13th, 11:00am at Umpqua Bank Alberta
Tuesday, October 16th, 6:30pm at NECN
Saturday, October 27th, 11:00am at NECN
More workshops listed at