KNA meeting on January 22nd at 6:30 pm- 8:30 pm at NECN
Time and Location
6:30 PM – Wedenesday, January 13th
NECN Headquarters
4815 NE 7th Ave, Portland, OR 97211
6:30 Introductions/ Approve agenda and minutes Eileen/Blaire
Approve multiple minutes
6:45 pm grievance, noise, communication, by-laws: formation of 4 committees Eileen
Approval of groups/put on web site
7:00 Strategic Planning: Topics/Projects for the coming year Eileen
7:30- 8:00 pm- Association Business
First meetings of committees, if time
Treasurer’s Report- Diego
Announcements- Eileen
Committee Reports
Social Committee- Blaire
Land Use- Leigh and Andrew – please have rough draft ready
SALT- Eileen
Green King- Diego
NECN Report-
Spring Clean-Up- Matt