King Neighborhood Chairman Resigns

Scott Breon, King Neigborhood Chair, has resigned effective August 11. This leaves the KNA board without executive leadership since the Co-Chair position has been vacant since this May’s election when Trace Salmon resigned and Scott was elected to fill the vacant Chair position.

Trace resigned to focus on his roles as King School Site Council Chair and PTA Treasurer, coordinating with the new principal and the school’s continuing transformation and International Baccalaureate adoption. Trace was filling in for Chair Charles Boardman who resigned to return to medical school. Scott has resigned to dedicate his full energies to his search for employment after his employer was taken over by another company.

While the KNA bylaws state that only current board members of at least a year can serve as Chair, the Co-chair is not so restricted and if filled, will act as Chair. Interim appointments must be made by the KNA board. Interested parties are encouraged to attend the next meeting or contact the Association at or call the Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods.