Loaves & Fishes MLK Senior Center is looking for volunteers like you!



Meals on Wheels People need volunteers to help serve food to seniors in the MLK Center, between the hours of 8 am and 2 pm.

We also need volunteer drivers to deliver meals to home-bound seniors in the community.

We utilize volunteers to pick up food donations from the Oregon Food Bank & a local Bakery for our community food rack.

We currently seek board members to sit on our steering committee & on our Summer In September planning committee (Summer in September is the annual fundraiser picnic extravaganza for the MLK Center).

The Steering committee meets 10 times a year between 1pm & 2:30pm and Summer in September committee meets 8 to 9 times a year.

We are always gratefully accepting donations of fresh fruits & vegetables from the community!

David Lomax

Center Manager, MLK Center

Meals on Wheels People

5325 NE MLK blvd. Portland Oregon 97211

Phone:503-953-8207 Fax:503-988-4899
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