Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods and Concordia University Co-Host Two Mayoral and City Council Candidates Forums
The first event will focus on community livability issues such as jobs, transportation, safety and other necessities for thriving, healthy communities for all. The second will focus on a range of education issues, from Pre-K through to Higher Education.
What are the issues that matter to you? At the forums, community members will be invited to share their own questions and concerns. Questions that are not addressed on the spot will be compiled and given to the candidates with a request to provide written responses. All responses will be shared with the public. Please join us to share what matters to you and to show that North/Northeast Portland Votes!
When: Tuesday, February 28th 7pm to 9pm: Community Livability Focus
Thursday, March 22nd, 7pm to 9pm: Education Focus
The doors open at 6:30pm for both events
Who: Mayoral Candidates: Eileen Brady, Jefferson Smith, Charlie Hales
Council Candidates: Amanda Fritz, Mary Nolan, Steve Novick, Teressa Raiford, Mark White, Jeri Williams
Moderator: Mr. Carl Talton
Where: February 28th: 2nd floor of the Hagen Campus Center, Concordia University, 2811 NE Holman, Portland, OR
March 22nd: Lobby of the George R. White Library & Learning Center, Concordia University
Note: The King NA formally requested that NECN invite all candidates to participate in its forums; NECN declined to do so. King NA then requested informally that NECN invite all candidates to at least attend the forums, so that residents in our neighborhoods could meet them.