Portland OIC seeks hosts for Job Shadow Day

From Asa Pritchard, career coach and youth advocate at Portland Opportunities Industrialization Center:

Many employment programs have been cut from Portland schools, thus reducing the chances our youth have to be successful in today’s workforce. I have come up with a plan – JOB SHADOW DAY! And now I need your help; just one half of a day is all that I am asking.

By allowing a student to observe you on the job, you are providing them with a firsthand look at the skills and knowledge required to succeed in your job and build a career. I know this may be a lot to ask. But we must look out for our youth in our city and do what we can to assure that our future will be in good hands.

This is just a general inquiry. I’m trying to get a sense of who is interested in participating and what positions are available to be observed by our students.

The students really need your help on this one. If you have any other contacts that may be interested please send them my way. I am very much interested in creating a Portland Job Shadow Day. With your help we can make this happen.

Attached is a “Host Profile” for you to complete and email back.

Thank you for your time, I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Asa Pritchard
Career Coach / Youth Advocate
Portland Opportunities Industrialization Center
Rosemary Anderson High School
717 N. Killingsworth Ct. Portland, OR 97217

Host Profile Form