Shots Fired Near Alberta Street Market

Last night around 7:30 pm, shots rang out on Alberta Street striking the glass in the bus shelter at 9th in front of the Alberta Street Market. Four males were seen to flee on foot up 10th Avenue, pursued by a car that circled around after them. According to a witness, someone in the car shouted: “I’ll kill you!” but there were no apparent injuries. Police closed three blocks of Alberta to investigate and traffic was diverted.

4 thoughts on “Shots Fired Near Alberta Street Market

  1. Several of these neighborhood markets and nearby bus shelters are used for illegal activity, people hanging out under the pretense of waiting for a bus or shopping at the markets. Did the market have any cameras? The same scenerio goes for the max lines, maybe it is time for Tri Met to install security cameras instead of “soothing/calming” music? Here in northeast we are having an increase in gun fire, the need for more patrol /police is a must along with the drug free zones in problem areas/neighborhoods.

  2. Teri,

    I don’t really think there is an increase in gunfire in NE. I remember the days when gunfire was heard all through the summer, sometimes every night. That is not to say that I am not disgusted and frustrated. The market does have cameras but what they will show is anybody’s guess.

  3. The bus stops on either side of Alberta at this intersection should be closed – there are ample bus stops very close by and closing these two would not affect transit service in any way. I know the Alberta Market has done what it can to reduce loitering right outside of its store but there isn’t much it, or the police, can do about people loitering at the bus stop. As a neighbor, I’m sick of all of the drug deals that happen on this corner and the other crimes. This is the second time within the past year that somebody has fired a weapon within a block of my house and my baby. Enough!

  4. Increase decrease..cameras no cameras..police not enough comes down to neighbors and citizens reporting these people hangin around, bus drivers could be helpful as they know who is doing what at these stops, call it into the non emergency dispatch under the guise of “suspicious activity”unless of course there are weapons involved then dial 911. In spite of the perps likely being gone by the time the police arrive, we need to stay dilligent, pro active as a community. Let the criminals know their activity will not be tollerated, you can stay anonymous when reporting if that is a concern?

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