Soul Stroll for Health at Wilshire Park, August 18th

Via the African American Health Coalition:

The upcoming Soul Stroll wellness walk on Saturday, August 18th is taking place at NE Portland’s Wilshire Park. We are hoping to gain the support of all NE Neighborhood Associations to help spread the word about the event. The following link will take you to the event page:

The walk typically draws anywhere from 400-600 people, but we are hoping to increase the numbers even further for this 10th year anniversary.

This is a fantastic event that is open to the public and all communities to help support the African American Health Coalition and raise awareness within the community about the benefits of exercise and wellness and health disparities amongst the African American population.

2 thoughts on “Soul Stroll for Health at Wilshire Park, August 18th

  1. I would like to know why our walk was moved from our neighborhood park…Since the beginning og its existence, its been taking place from Dawson park…Did someone displace us being that there arent enough of us living anywhere near Wilshire park to be of a convenience

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