Urban Design with Soundscape in Mind

On Tuesday May 19th, the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) and the City of Portland, Bureau of Development Services (via the Noise Control Office) are jointly holding a symposium entitled, Urban Design with Soundscape in Mind. The symposium will focus on what planners and the public at-large can do to address urban noise impacts in an urban setting before they occur.

The day long May 19th, 2009 symposium is the outcome of a year long Noise Control Task Force study in 2000 that led the City Council to direct the Noise Control Office to hold a symposium to explore design solutions to community noise issues and the desire within the ASA to disseminate technical information in a way that will provide a direct benefit to the public at-large. The event that is planned will be one of the first of its kind to explore noise impact solutions through a multidiscipline filter that includes urban planning, architecture, good governance, acoustical design, and environmental enforcement strategies.

The symposium will include speakers such as the author and first Noise Control Officer of the City of Portland’s Noise Ordinance, Dr. Paul Herman, Michael Mills, the City of Portland Ombudsman, Dr. Briggitte Schulte-Fortkamp from the Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Engineering in Berlin, Germany, an international leader in the topic of Soundscaping (the use of subjective and objective data about noise in addressing urban noise problems), Ken Kaliski of Resources Systems Group, Inc. of White River Junction, Vermont, an expert on the development of noise mapping in an urban setting, Gary Siebein from the University of Florida School of Architecture, another leader in the use of Soundscaping techniques to address urban noise problems, and others.

The day long symposium has been developed to include public participation at a minimal cost but it is just one part of a week long national conference that is happening in downtown Portland from May 18th to the 22nd, 2009 which is also open to the public (but at a much higher cost to attend) should there be interest.


Please be aware that registration must be made on-line by May 8, 2009 to obtain the lower registration rate of $25.00 for the day long event which will include lunch and beverages. Registration after that date and at the door will cost $30.00 and will be payable in cash or by check.

I look forward to seeing members of our community at this event. If you have general questions please call the Noise Control Office at the City of Portland at 503-823-5829 or call me at 503-646-4420.

Kerrie Standlee, ASA Organizer of the Urban Design with Soundscape in Mind Symposium and
the Acoustical Engineering Representative to the City of Portland Noise Review Board