The Legacy of the Black Panther Party: a presentation, October 4th.

The Legacy of the Black Panther Party

Date: October 4 1:00pm – 3:00pm

Location: Self Enhancement Inc., Auditorium, 4134 N. Vancouver Avenue.


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Self Enhancement Inc., Auditorium, 4134 N Vancouver Ave., Portland, OR

This presentation by Chairman Fred Hampton Jr., POCC/BPPC (Prisoners of Conscience Committee/Black Panther Party Cubs), will explore the legacy of the Black Panther Party, crime in Chicago, Hip Hop, and the connection to Prisoners of Conscience Committee Code of Culture.

This event is free and open to the public. Please RSVP below if you will be joining us.

About the Presenter

Chairman Fred Hampton Jr., POCC/BPPC, is an unleashed Political Prisoner who was incarcerated for nearly nine years in various state prisons. His powerful organizing throughout the Black community placed a target on him just like the one that took his father’s life. He was kidnapped from the streets by the infamous Chicago Police Department, as well as myriad other law enforcement agencies in May 1992.

The state claimed Chairman Fred Hampton Jr. firebombed two Korean-owned stores on the south side of Chicago, supposedly in response to the Simi Valley verdict rendered in the case of the LAPD beating of Rodney King. While imprisoned, the attacks continued: threats on his life, denying him visitation rights, sabotage of mail, destruction of personal property, and long stints in “segregation”…the prison within the prison.

Chairman Fred Hampton Jr. continues to expose brutal prison conditions and continues to fight for the release of still held political prisoners, prisoners of war, and prisoners of conscience. Chairman Fred Jr. also continues to push for pardon based on his innocence in order to clear his name of the dubious charges. Under his leadership POCC/BPPC has authored and organized campaigns around the African Anti Terrorism Bill; Harriet Tubman Code; Code of Culture; and much more.

A revolutionary, powerful speaker and spoken word artist, Chairman Fred’s poignant presentations have captivated audiences worldwide.

Register for the presentation here.