Vacant Lots Sought for Gardens

Urban Gardens: Coming to a Lot Near You!

Urban Gardens: Coming to a Lot Near You!

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Woodlawn neighbor Nat West saw an empty lot across the street from him was filling up with trash. He then set out to create an orderly farm out of the chaos. Under the tutelage of friend Dan Bravin whose POP farming organization consults people interested in installing urban farms around the city, West has transformed the space into 1440 square feet of an intensely planted organic vegetable garden.

He says that he grows what he and his family like to eat. “We eat cauliflower and broccoli maybe three times a year, but we eat greens and lettuces all the time. With a CSA, (community supported agriculture) there is pressure to deliver something new every week. People might get bored if you only have mustard greens for three weeks in a row.” So, he says, he sees the future leading him more toward a market garden, selling to restaurants, than expanding into a full-blown CSA. He is testing the waters this year, deciding what this excellent resource will evolve into. He is keeping track of his progress and pitfalls so that he might take this project to new heights next year. And he’s got his eye on other lots in the area.

West says he really loves the effect this has had on the neighborhood. Turning a veritable garbage dump into a flourishing garden has lifted the spirits of all the people in the area. A home owner whose property flanks the garden is allowing West to use his water. Others have offered to help with the farm work. Many people, he says, walk by and ask, “What’s getting built here?” Which makes him smile and answer, “Nothing!” He recently put up a sign to tell people about this project, which he calls Fruits of Our Neighbors, and offering his contact information for the large amount of curiosity he and the farm are generating.

Despite having one full-size lot at his disposal, he is still looking for big open plots in Woodlawn, Concordia, Piedmont, King and Alberta Arts neighborhoods. Drop him a line if you’ve got something –

Read the original full article at:NeighborhoodNotes