Candlelight vigil for domestic violence, at Dawson Park.

Ally Brown writes us:

I work for the Portland Women’s Crisis Line and we have been organizing an awareness raising event in your community and wanted to send out an invitation to the neighborhood associations. We are holding a community vigil this Thursday, October 20th, to honor the lives of victims of domestic violence who were killed in the last year in Oregon. 26 lives were lost and in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month we wanted to hold a community event for people to come together, work towards healing and reach out to make others aware of this issue in our communities.

This event will be at Dawson Park from 6-8 pm, this Thursday. We will be holding a candlelight vigil, have music and speakers from the community. We will also hold space for people to speak about their loved ones or experiences. If you have any questions about this event, or want to be more involved, please feel free to contact me.

Thanks for your time,

Ally King, Volunteer Coordinator, Portland Women’s Crisis Line
