Fundraiser at Bernie’s for College Readiness

Support Future Connect at Bernie’s Southern Bistro!

On Wednesday, October 24th, Bernie’s Southern Bistro will be holding a fundraising event for Future Connect. From 4pm until close they will be donating 15% of their sales to the program. Don’t forget happy hour from 4-6pm or a reservation if you are coming for dinner!

Portland Parks and Recreation is a partner in Future Connect, an education initiative of Mayor Sam Adams office that reaches out to youth who are struggling to make college a reality. The Future Connect Strategies Coordinators work alongside the Teen Force Coordinators at five community centers to provide college and career courses, resources, and events for high school students.

Bernie’s Southern Bistro is a romantic southern cuisine hot spot on Alberta. They have a lush garden patio and candle lit dining room. We hear the happy hour is pretty amazing too!

Come support one of Parks and the city’s great programs for teens and a wonderful local business. What better way to spend a Wednesday evening than with a nice glass of wine and great food!

Bernie’s Southern Bistro
2904 NE Alberta
Portland, OR

Click here for the flyer:Berniesflier

Unapproved Mural to be Fined by City, Petition of Support Circulating

Last April the Union Market at corner of Martin Luther King Jr. and Failing was repeatedly hit by taggers. As an aesthetically pleasing alternative, a mural was painted on a void green wall. The owners are now threatened with high civil penalties and monthly enforcement fees until they paint it over. If you like art in your neighborhood, stop by the Union Market 3837 NE MLK Jr Blvd and sign the petition (over 60 neighbors already did over the last two days.) Keep art in our lives.

Free Energy Audits from Energize Northeast

From NECN:

If you haven’t already, please consider signing up for a home energy performance audit with Energize Northeast. This collaboration between NECN, Neil Kelly and Umpqua Bank will make it easy for you to enjoy greater home energy efficiency and save money. Registration only take a few minutes at After you register, you will receive a call from Neil Kelly to schedule a home energy audit. This comprehensive audit takes several hours and is valued at $500. However, with a $150 rebate from the Energy Trust of Oregon, Neil Kelly is offering the home energy audit free to the homeowner. Additionally, for every home energy audit completed through Energize Northeast, Neil Kelly has generously agreed to donate $150 to NECN to help further community programs such as Neighborhood Small Grants.


Not sure you are ready for a home energy audit? Attend a free workshop to learn more first.


Energize Northeast workshops:


Saturday, October 13th, 11:00am at Umpqua Bank Alberta

Tuesday, October 16th, 6:30pm at NECN

Saturday, October 27th, 11:00am at NECN

More workshops listed at

October KNA Agenda

King Neighborhood Association Meeting
King Neighborhood Facility, 4815 NE 7th Avenue
October 9, 2012 – 6:30 to 8:30 pm

6:30 Welcome, introductions, last meeting minutes, agenda.

6:40 Update from Portland Police Bureau.

6:50 Update from NECN.

7:00 KNA ongoing tasks and projects:

Quick Trip letter / SALT report Teri
Backpack Program Alan
Rock the Vote Alan
By-laws Alan
Land Use Andrew

7:30 King Mural Project Rodolfo Serrano

7:40 PPS bond ballot measure

7:50 Postal crisis and our response

8:00 New business
Summer camp – Tsuga
PSU MURP – project planning

8:10 Public comment

8:30 Adjournment