The King Neighborhood Association meeting that was scheduled for Tuesday, July 7th, is canceled.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is August 4th.
The King Neighborhood Association meeting that was scheduled for Tuesday, July 7th, is canceled.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is August 4th.
The King Neighborhood Association sent the following letter to Mayor Wheeler and Commissioners Fritz, Hardesty, and Eudaly on June 10:
The King Neighborhood Association affirms our allegiance and support of our black neighbors and all who are fighting for the elimination of systemic oppression and institutional racism. We grieve with those who have suffered from policies based on white supremacy and ask that Portland leaders seize this opportunity to enact meaningful change.
We support efforts to change the way police engage in our communities and shift the focus back to community policing instead of aggressive, and often deadly, enforcement. Most important is the need to change the culture of the PPB – especially through the training of new officers – to ensure that our police officers are dedicated to a community-police partnership that relies on building relationships instead of war-like tactics.
Specifically, we support proposals by Commissioner Hardesty to eliminate three programs that have a disproportionately negative impact on communities of color – the Gun Violence Reduction Team (GVRT), the School Resource Officer (SRO) program, and PPB’s contract with TriMet to serve as transit police officers.
We also call for
It is time Portland leaders acknowledge the impact so many decades of unjust and oppressive policies have had on our communities. We need to demonstrate our commitment to implement meaningful change by taking tangible steps to address these wrongs now.
Amy Wilson, Chair
King Neighborhood Association
The Neighborhood Emergency Team (NET) has provided the following helpful COVID-19 related links.
The latest information and guidance from local and national authorities:
Multnomah County COVID-19 page
Multnomah County guidance on face masks
COVID-19 self-diagnosis tool by Emory University
Looking for help? Looking to help? These resources have information on both:
Multnomah Co. and City of Portland Joint Volunteer Info Center (JVIC)
The May 5th and June 2nd meetings of the King Neighborhood Association are canceled. We will resume our regular meetings on July 7th.
To comply with the City’s Standards and its Open Meetings and Public Records rules, we are postponing the election for expiring KNA board positions to the July 7th meeting. The following KNA board positions will be up for election at that time:
The decision to postpone the elections was based on this analysis by Allen Field, Secretary of the Richmond Neighborhood Association.
We are canceling our April 7th King Neighborhood Association meeting because of the coronavirus pandemic. We hope to hold our May 5th meeting as planned.