King Neighborhood Association April 2016 – Meeting Agenda

KNA Meeting Agenda – Wednesday, April 13th, 2016

Location: 4815 NE 7th Avenue, Portland, OR at NECN Headquarters

Time: Please be prompt. We start at 6:30 pm


6:15 Financial Committee: Fundraising needs – Reports


6:30 Introductions/ Approve KNA agenda and past minutes.

6:45 Noise concerns and recommendations

7:05 Earthquake Preparedness: First Steps

7:15  Association Business:

May elections – Application form


7:30 Committee & Working Groups Reports:

Communications Committee: Egg Hunt – Spring Clean Up

Green King Committee: Confluence Fellows – Architect Without Borders

By-laws Working group : Update on proposed changes

Land Use Committee: Vanport update

Grievance Committee: Findings and recommendations from the Grievance Hearing

Financial Committee: Treasurer’s report and Fundraising goals

8:15 Adjourn



Join the fun: Sabin-King Tree Inventory and Plan

King-Sabin Street Tree Inventory and Tree Plan

In 2015, the King-Sabin Tree Team worked with PP&R Urban Forestry to organize volunteers and conduct a street tree inventory. It took 39 volunteers 192 hours plus additional staff time to collect data on tree species, size, tree condition, and site characteristics for all 5,817 street trees in the King and Sabin neighborhoods. The inventory is intended to provide base line data to help us better manage our neighborhood’s urban forest to maintain its diversity and keep it healthy into the future.

The complete inventory maps and reports can be downloaded at:


The result is the King-Sabin Tree Plan will guide the tree team’s stewardship activities in future years supporting the King-Sabin Tree Team’s vision to:

Bringing neighbors together to create and enhance a beautiful and sustainable urban forest for the health and livability of our community.



  1. Increase extent of urban forest canopy
  2. Promote urban forest health and diversity
  3. Educate and inspire neighbors about trees and their benefits
  4. Actively pursue opportunities to engage all community members


Short Term Objectives

  1. Promote care of young street trees by hosting pruning and tree care workshops and events
  2. Facilitate tree plantings by coordinating with Friends of Trees
  3. Nominate trees for Heritage Tree status


Long Term Objectives

  1. Help facilitate the removal of invasive and dead trees and their replacement with desirable species
  2. Develop strategies for increasing the number of medium, large, and evergreen trees planted
  3. Conduct neighborhood tree walks

Join the King-Sabin Tree Team

Take a leadership role and help us to achieve our goals, plan tree events and advocate for tree planting and maintenance in King and Sabin.

Contact us for more information at

Join us the 1st Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at Whole Foods (Fremont) dining area

Tree History in King and Sabin Neighborhoods (free walk & talk, April 16)



Tree History in King and Sabin Neighborhoods (FREE)

  • Sat, Apr 16, 1:00 PM
  • Whole Foods Market (upstairs)
  • 3535 NE 15th Ave, Portland, OR
  • Join Portland’s historian Dave Hedberg and the King-Sabin Tree team as we explore how history shaped the neighborhood’s urban forest.

    12:30pm–1:00pm Registration and sign-in
    1:00pm–2:00pm Presentation by Dave Hedberg, Environmental Historian
    2:00pm–3:00pm Interpretive walk and talk through the neighborhoods


  • We will be out rain or shine!! We recommend long pants and long sleeves, sturdy shoes and a rain/sun hat and bring a backpack, rain gear and water bottle.



Last day to comment on NE 7th Greenway





Hi everyone,

First of all, thanks so much for your interest in the potential 7th/9th Neighborhood Greenway project. Your feedback is very helpful to us as we plan our transportation system.

We wanted to let you know about some upcoming opportunities to provide public testimony on various elements of the Transportation System Plan (TSP), which sets the policy foundation for PBOT and helps guide our decisions.

First of all, the TSP Stage 2 Proposed Draft is currently being considered by Portland’s Planning and Sustainability Commission (PSC). The PSC will have an opportunity to amend the Proposed Draft before sending it to City Council. While we encourage you to provide public testimony on all parts of the Proposed Draft, the section that is probably most relevant to the 7th/9th discussion is Section 5: Bicycle Classification Maps. These maps show where we have Local Service Bikeway, City Bikeway, and Major City Bikeway classifications that provide a policy basis for emphasizing bicycle travel compared to other modes of travel. If you want to read the descriptions of these classifications, they can be found in Section 4: Bicycle Classifications and Objectives.

We apologize for the late notice, but the public testimony period for the TSP Stage 2 Proposed Draft ends today, March 22nd, 2016, at 9pm, at the end of the PSC Public Hearing. You can testify in several ways before then:

·        U.S. Mail: Portland Planning and Sustainability Commission, TSP Testimony, 1900 SW 4th Ave., Suite 7100, Portland OR 97201 (include full name and mailing address)

·        Email: with subject line “TSP Testimony” (include full name and mailing address)

·        Testify online via the Map App. Bicycle Classifications have been posted to the Map App at Click on the “comments” form to provide your testimony to the PSC. You can only click on individual street segments to make a comment, but in your comment you can describe the full street section you are commenting on.

·        Testify in person at the PSC public hearing.  You may speak for 2 minutes to the Commission, and your testimony will be added to the public record. The TSP Stage 2 Project Public Hearing is scheduled to be held at: 1900 SW 4th Avenue, Room 2500, Portland, OR Tuesday, March 22, 2016; 5:00 – 9:00 PM

The second upcoming opportunity to give public testimony is in regards to the TSP Major Projects List, which is currently before City Council as one element of the 2035 Comprehensive Plan. The Recommended Draft of the TSP Major Projects List contains project #40116, NE 7th/9th Bikeway, with an alignment primarily on NE 9th Ave north of the Lloyd District. In response to public feedback from neighborhood associations and individuals regarding NE 7th Ave, Commissioner Novick has offered an amendment to the TSP Major Projects List that can be found on page 105 of the Council Amendments Report. This amendment would change the project alignment to stay on NE 7th Ave up to Sumner, only then cutting over to NE 9th Ave. If you would like to offer testimony about this proposed amendment (or any other amendments to the TSP or Comp Plan), you can:

·        Testify in person at a City Council public hearing

o   Thursday, April 14th, 6:00 to 9:00 pm, City Council Chambers, City Hall, 1221 SW 4th Ave

o   Wednesday, April 20th, 2:00 to 5:00 pm, City Council Chambers, City Hall, 1221 SW 4th Ave

·        Testify in writing by mail or email directly to members of City Council before April 20th.

o   Contact information can be found here

o   Please copy on any TSP-related testimony

Thanks again for your interest and engagement in this issue.

Zef Wagner

Associate Planner

Policy, Planning, & Projects Division

Portland Bureau of Transportation


Cevero Gonzalez

Constituent Services Coordinator

Portland Bureau of Transportation

1120 SW Fifth Ave, Suite 800

Portland, OR 97204

503.823.5080 Phone

503.823.7609 Fax