KNA July 8th 2015 meeting agenda

King Neighborhood Association Meeting Agenda

July 8, 2015, 2015 (6:30 – 8:30 pm) at NECN ofiice (4815 NE 7th Avenue)

Introductions (all) 6:30 P.M
Approval May 2015 Minutes (Margo): (6:40)
LUC Committee Report (Leigh & Guests): (6:50)
PRCI proposed 43 unit affordable senior housing building
Entertainment Committee Report (Margo speaking on behalf of Blair): (7:20)
King Neighborhood Cleanup raised $432
Request for Thrill the World Event: (7:35)
Request for KNA Sponsorship of the Backpack Program: (7:40)
Traffic Hazards on NE Alberta and NE Garfield (Margaret): (7:45)
Choose Representatives to NECN (Margo); 8:00
Senate Bill 324 Oregon Property Tax Deferral Program (Margaret) 8:05
Announcements: 8:15
Adjourn: 8:20

Oregon Public House fundraiser for the North Star Village aging at home movement: June 8th.


Oregon Public House Hosts North Star Village


Monday, June 8th    Noon – 9:00 pm
700 NE Dekum St.

All ages welcome. Kids play area available.


Bring friends and family to the Oregon Public House in the historic Woodlawn neighborhood for a meal, a pint and community. North Star Village volunteers will be there to greet and serve you. A portion of the evening’s proceeds will be donated to North Star Village.


The menu has something to cater for everyone’s tastes including vegetarian entrees and dessert lovers. Need to be tempted? Check out the Oregon Public House menu at


Mark your calendars now for this special event!

Oregon Public House, the first nonprofit pub in the US, is a profit-generating machine for, and only for, the charities it supports. We hope to see you there.

Want to know more about this unique public house?  Check out this TEDXuConcordia Portland YouTube video to hear founder Ryan Saari’s entertaining talk on the birth of the Oregon Public House and its vision to support nonprofits seeking to make a difference by creating a family-friendly pub environment where neighbors from the surrounding area can come to enjoy community around good food and craft beer while supporting great causes.


For information about North Star Village, go to or call 503.978.0540.

King School Museum of Contemporary Art


KSMoCA is a contemporary art museum within the walls of a functioning K-8 public school in NE Portland, OR. Created as a collaborative project by faculty and students of Portland State University’s College of the Arts, and developed with help from community members and local organizations, the project creates an unusual pairing between early education and internationally renowned artists and their work. Students at the school learn through experience about museum practice and careers as they are facilitated through the roles of curators, installers, publicists, copywriters, registrars and docents. KSMoCA re-imagines the way museums, public schools, and universities shape people, culture, and perspectives by cultivating a space for art to educate within and beyond the classroom.

Each rotating exhibition is presented for two months. The public is welcome to experience the museum by appointment and during selected open hours.

Postcards from America | Opens May 28, 2015 | 4:30-6 PM | Free
Postcards from America is an ongoing photographic experiment. Since 2011 the Postcards project has traveled to eight locations across the country. Nearly twenty Magnum Photo Agency photographers have been involved with the project. Portland is one of the last stops forPostcards from America and seven photographers have come here to document a wide variety of subjects in the city, including King School, in conjunction with PSU’s Art and Social Practice MFA Program.

KSMoCA’s inaugural exhibition features work selected by students at King School from all of the past Postcards locations and has been overseen by Magnum photographer Alec Soth and various PSU-related volunteers.


Become an Alberta Main Street volunteer



Alberta Main Street is seeking passionate volunteers who want to get involved in community and economic development. We will be having a volunteer orientation at our office Thursday, June 11th at 6:30PM. Volunteering with Alberta Main Street is a great way to make an impact in your community, gain experience in a variety of areas and meet new friends.


At the orientation you will learn about Alberta Street’s past, present and future. With many exciting volunteer opportunities for people interested in both short and long term commitments – there is an opportunity perfect for you.

Committee volunteers: Meet volunteers currently serving on Alberta Main Street committees; learn what they have accomplished and what they hope to with your help. Alberta Main Street committees include promotion, design, business development, and equity.

Special events: Volunteering at special events is a great way to get your feet wet without a long-term commitment. Our annual events include Alberta Street Fair, Sidewalk Sale, Trick or Treat Alberta Street, Holiday Events and Earth Day.

Episodic volunteers: Volunteers remove graffiti and stickers from garbage cans, provide on-call office support, clean the office and other random and sporadic tasks.

Alberta Main Street Volunteer Orientation

When: Thursday, June 11th at 6:30PM

Where: Alberta Main Street

1722 NE Alberta Street // Portland, OR 97211

RSVP Online:


We would love to have you join us!

Portland’s mayor calls for BPS to study development, infill in neighborhoods.


Mayor Hales is seeking your support for his proposed budget request to fund a comprehensive review and update of the City’s single-dwelling zone development standards.

Mayor Hales has directed the Bureau of Planning & Sustainability to conduct this review. Responsive to neighborhood concerns about the compatibility of new development, the 18 month project will include:


  1. Evaluation of how the scale and pattern of single family development varies across neighborhoods.


  1. Proposals for changes to zoning code provisions that affect scale and design of new single-family dwellings:
  • lot coverage,
  • height,
  • setbacks, and
  • required rear yard area.


  1. Update to rules and policies related to infill development on “skinny” lots.


  1. Update to rules to increase the types of infill units in single-dwelling zones to allow more households and a greater range of incomes to find housing in single family neighborhoods.  This includes allowing flexibility that encourages innovative housing types and development.


  1. Evaluation of these proposals in terms of impact on housing supply, housing cost and development economics.


You may voice your support for funding this project in several ways:


  1. Contact Commissioner offices to share your support.


  1. Testify at the May 20 City Council budget public hearing at 6:30PM here in Council Chambers at City Hall.


  1. Letters to the editor of local media


We look forward to your engagement throughout the length of this project.


Matthew Robinson

Policy Analyst

Office of Mayor Charlie Hales

City of Portland
