“Northeast Passage”- movie night at NECN, March 4th.

Movie night with North & Northeast Neighbors for Housing Affordability


Featuring “Northeast Passage: The Inner City and the American Dream”

Directed by Spencer Wolf and Cornelius Swart

“Neighborhoods besieged by discrimination, neglect and crime frequently welcome any change that seems to be for the better. But gentrification can come at a high price.

In Portland, Oregon, one woman struggling to provide a decent life for her 10-year-old daughter takes on public officials and a developer intent on creating low-income housing in her neighborhood. While public officials emphasize the need to create affordable housing in order to revitalize the community, opponents fear that the new property will attract renters who won’t take pride in their neighborhood in the way that homeowners do. But when homeowners replace renters in gentrifying neighborhoods, long-term residents are often priced out and a new class prejudice can arise.

Northeast Passage is a unique portrait of a neighborhood in the midst of dramatic change. It chronicles the clashes between those who advocate making rental properties available to low-income individuals and families, and those who promote home ownership. Proponents of both sides get equal say as the debate escalates.  As seen through the eyes of one woman, this film examines an issue that challenges nearly every inner city in the country.”

When:             March 4, 2015

Where:            NE Coalition of Neighbors   4815 NE 7th Avenue, Portland, OR 97211

Time:               6:30 pm – 8:30pm

This movie runs about 54 minutes, and a discussion with the film director will ensue following the showing of this film.

We are N/NE Neighbors for Housing Affordability. We are a grassroots group of neighbors working to create equitable, inclusive neighborhoods in N/NE Portland, where people of color, low-income families, seniors and everyone else can live and thrive without fear of displacement.

To learn more please join us! You can connect with us at:



Alberta Main Street community meeting, Feb. 24th

Hello King Neighborhood,

Nearly five years ago, almost 100 people with a stake in the Alberta Street business district gathered at the Alberta Rose Theatre to develop a community vision for Alberta Street. Together, we developed our mission, twenty-year vision, five-year goals and guiding principles. It is now time to determine what is working, what is not and where we go from here.

You’re invited to share your ideas, insights and imagination!

Join us on Tuesday, February 24, 2015 for an opportunity to gain historical perspective and to help identify priority projects, programs and events that you would like to see implemented in the future. It is our mission to advance efforts to develop Alberta Street as a vibrant, creative, equitable, and sustainable commercial district serving residents and visitors to our community.

All are welcome – please join us! Diverse community-wide participation is critical to our success.


Tuesday, February 24,- 6:30 – 9 PM

St. Andrew Catholic Church Community Center, Oscar Romero Room – – 806 NE Alberta Street

RSVP online: www.albertamainst.org

Thank you for your support!,

Sarah Celine

King Neighborhood Association – January 2015 minutes

January 14, 2015  Agenda (6:30 – 8 pm)

Introductions (all) 6:38 P.M

January 14, 2015 Agenda  (6:30 to 8 pm)

Introductions begun by Margo and Call for additional agenda items

Pastor Roy has a request to add a safety related item to the agenda

Call to Approve the Agenda

  • Motion by Irik,
  • Leigh Second :
    • 7 – Yes, 0 – No, 0 – Abstain


  • Neighbors in Attendance
    • Jeremy Shipley — To Present a Safety Issue
    • Pastor Roy E. Clay
    • Alan Silver (Volunteer, Past Board Member, King Backpack Program)
    • Van Bogner
    • Robin Franklin arrival 7:30
    • Francine Freeman Arrival 7:30


  • Board Members in Attendance (Quorum as of 6:38)
    • Diego Gioseffi
    • Margo Dobbertin
    • Irik Wielgosz
    • Nick LaRue
    • Leigh Rappaport
    • Jeff Scott
    • Eileen Kennedy (6:41)
    • Andew Neerman (7:28)

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