We are happy to notify you that the Annual Good In The Hood Multicultural Music and Food Festival will take place on June 24 – June 26th, 2022, beginning Friday, June 24 6-10pm.
Author Archives: King Neighborhood Association
KNA Meeting Minutes April 5, 2022
You can read the April 5th meeting minutes here.
May 3rd, 2022 King Neighborhood Meeting
Date: May 3rd
Time: 6:00 PM PDT
Please join us for our May 2022 board meeting and KNA board elections; please use the details below to join the call:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 849 8685 7286
Passcode: 696153
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Meeting ID: 849 8685 7286
Passcode: 696153
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbW9KgMbuY
KNA Board Elections – May 3rd
The King Neighborhood Association is holding its annual Board election on May 3rd.
The following positions are up for election or are currently vacant:
- KNA Chair: this position leads meetings and sets the agenda for meetings as well as act as facilitator during live meetings.
- KNA Co-Chair: this position acts in lieu of the Chair when the Chair is unavailable. Otherwise, they work to help the Chair.
- Treasurer: this position controls expense disbursement and pays for required fees, working in conjunction with the NECN
- Secretary: this position records meeting minutes and posts meeting minutes online
- At-large Board Members Nos 1, 2, 5, 6, 7: these positions do not have any specific function. At-large Board members usually work on projects approved by the Board and can bring project ideas forward.
In addition, the Land Use Chair position, which can be filled by any Board member, will be vacant as of May. Land Use is a critical function where this position monitors Land Use notifications, advising the Board on what development projects are underway and their potential impact on the neighborhood. The Land Use Chair also records development notification letters in a folder for archive purposes. — Working with the Land Use Chair, the KNA Board can and does arrange for some developers to give a public presentation of their project, giving the public a view into the upcoming development and giving the public a chance to ask the developers’ representatives questions about the development. This is a key position.
The KNA is a community organization run by volunteers. You must be a resident of King Neighborhood to sit on the Board. In past the KNA has organized and helped run neighborhood cleanups, hosted community meetings with city commissioners, PBOT and other city agencies, worked to help neighbors find solutions, hosted information sessions, and works to help fun and participate in community food drives. But each Board is able to shape what they will do in their tenure.
Please consider coming to the May meeting to see what you can do to make a difference and how you might participate, even if it’s not as a formal member of the Board, but just as one of a community of neighbors. We hope to see you there.
KNA Meeting Minutes March 1, 2022
You can read the March 1st meeting minutes here.